Pardon my French, but I cannot say FUCK YOU loudly enough to this video

Sure, when you copy a CD from a friend you’re not stealing from your friend. He still has his CD.

But that’s not the point you simple-minded self-satisfied selfish dickheads.

The point is you stole from the people who created the content in the first place by NOT COMPENSATING THEM for their intellectual property. See, your friend only bought the right enjoy the CD for themselves. They don’t own the content–that content is still the property of the person who owns the copyright.

Your buddy isn’t part of the equation. It doesn’t matter if you hurt him or not. You indisputably hurt the people who deserve to be compensated for their creation.

It is THEFT, you despicable assholes. Just as much as if you broke into the artist’s home and took money from his wallet. You didn’t pay him and he didn’t give you permission to fucking take his work.

Just because stealing is easy doesn’t make it right. In fact, it’s not even in your own longterm self-interest you soul-sucking simpletons. Because if everyone “copies” than the original creators will have no incentive to produce and there will be fewer movies, songs, books, and games for us all to enjoy.

So, once again, I’d like to offer a heartfelt FUCK YOU to you, your mother, your father, your friends, your teachers and anyone else who didn’t take the time to explain to you the difference between right and wrong.

Video found at Althouse

14 comments July 13th, 2012


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