Happy New Year!
I’m spending my New Year’s Day driving from Buffalo to Milwaukee.
I hope your day is at least as interesting.
Add comment January 1st, 2013
I’m spending my New Year’s Day driving from Buffalo to Milwaukee.
I hope your day is at least as interesting.
Add comment January 1st, 2013
But my instinct was that if someone is shooting at you, cialis canada diagnosis it is generally better to shoot back than to cower and pray.
via The Case for More Guns (And More Gun Control) – Jeffrey Goldberg – The Atlantic.
4 comments December 3rd, 2012
I think this blog post from a woman who was NOT killed in an episode of domestic violence is particularly apt considering the shooting at the Azana Salon here in Milwaukee:
Do you know what kept me safe? Not some piece of paper. Not a judge tut tutting at him and shaking his/her finger and telling him to leave me alone. Not the police, best cialis cheap who, there after all, would only be able to respond once he had caused me harm. No, what kept me safe was my Glock. What kept me safe was my Glock and the fact that he knew I had both the ability and the will to empty a clip into his chest if he made good on his statements that if I did not come back, I would not see the next week. He never tried to do any of the things he screamed he would because he knew that not only would I defend myself but that I could. My Ex was nearly a foot taller than me and, at the time, had about 150 pounds on me. If he had been able to get close enough to me to harm me, there were very few options I had to protect myself. But with my Glock, well, I would be able to stop him before he got that close. I am alive today because he knew that if he tried to make that otherwise, there was a better than even chance he would be the one lying there in a pool of blood instead of me.
via An open letter to Bob Costas and Jason Whitlock « doubleplusundead.
2 comments December 3rd, 2012
Pentagon: A Human Will Always Decide When a Robot Kills You | Danger Room | Wired.com.
Add comment November 27th, 2012
And now children give teachers apples to thank them for knowledge.
2 comments November 26th, 2012
…what Mitt Romney did to Newt Gingrich?
3 comments November 22nd, 2012
I’m not sure. Mostly, I can’t find anything I want to write about. And when I do find something, I’m usually so angry I can’t see straight enough to type.
2 comments November 20th, 2012
…if it means some racists lost, too.
3 comments November 12th, 2012
Lots of blogs are telling people to get out there and vote. But if you’re the sort of person who reads politically-oriented blogs, cialis sales patient I seriously doubt you need the reminder.
1 comment November 6th, 2012