To people who think movies, video games and guns make the world more violent…
I just have to say, cialis sales search before there were movies, video games and guns there were:
- The Crusades
- Viking raids
- Head hunting
- David killed Philistines for their foreskins
- Rapes
- Pillaging
- Cannibalism
- Honor killings
- Pogroms
- Human sacrifice
- And Cain killing Abel.
The fact is modern America is radically less violent than almost any time in the history of the world. (Don’t think violence has declined? Start by watching this:
So I think we can relax a little about the dangers of movies, video games, and – yes- even guns.
In fact, I would guess that religion and politics have resulted in far more deaths than movies, video games, and the mere existence of guns…but you don’t hear anyone calling to ban them, do you?
3 comments February 12th, 2013