The nearly three-year-old John Doe investigation into aides and associates of Gov. Scott Walker is closed, generic cialis physician the judge who is overseeing that probe said Friday.
via John Doe probe of Scott Walker office closed with no new charges.
March 1st, 2013
I don’t know. That seems pretty high to me.
Found at Say Anything.
February 28th, 2013
…Government has the right to regulate what we eat because healthcare costs are a collective expense, I’m going to ask if Government should have outlawed gay sex at the beginning of the AIDS epidemic.
February 27th, 2013
I was listening to NPR’s This American Life’s latest episode this weekend, cialis sales rx when I was struck by how large their blind spot is when it came to guns.
The story was about a Chicago high school that had seen an enormous number of shootings. Eventually, troche they asked the question: where were all the guns coming from?
A very good question, especially considering that Chicago has the strictest gun laws in the nation.
The conclusion? Straw buyers (people who buy handguns legally but then give them to people, usually felons, who would not be allowed to buy a gun themselves) and the infamous “gun-show” loophole (that’s when people buy guns from private sellers who aren’t required to do background checks on the people they sell to).
Well, I guess that’s possible. But then the very next subject made me question their assertion AND their journalistic credentials. The reporters asked the kids how much a gun cost on the street. The numbers the teens threw around were all around a couple hundred bucks.
The very next thing a real journalist would have asked is who the hell is eating the difference in the retail cost of the gun and the street price?
This is what I mean: a straw purchaser is paying full price for a gun. For a Glock that’s probably around $500. Plus, guns hold their value extremely well, so even at a gun show, a decent gun is unlikely to sell for much under $300 or $400.
So if all the guns are coming from gun stores and gun shows, who the hell is eating the difference between the cost of the gun and the price that the kids are buying it at?
Am I supposed to believe the straw buyers are taking a loss on each sale out of the goodness (or in this case the badness) of their hearts?
Something doesn’t make sense. And when something doesn’t make sense, a journalist is supposed to ask more questions. The reporters at This American Life didn’t bother.
The question I’d like to ask them, is why?
February 26th, 2013
What I absolutely LOVE about the negative reactions to Oscar host Seth MacFarlane singing about the boobs he’s seen, is that no one thinks its a problem that all those actresses showed their boobs…they’re just pissed that someone pointed it out.
(I personally wouldn’t have done the song – I think it was insensitive – but, then again, Mr. Macfarlane does a lot of things I wouldn’t do.)
February 25th, 2013
…Do Gay People Really Make Up 3.5% of the Population? (The Atlantic Wire), it’s why do they seem to make up 35% of the people on TV and stories on NPR?
February 18th, 2013
“I’m not willing to protect myself, so you shouldn’t be allowed to either.”
February 15th, 2013