Is From Where I Sit slow for anyone else?
For a while now, I feel like the site has been loading incredibly slowly. Anyone else?
3 comments June 29th, 2013
For a while now, I feel like the site has been loading incredibly slowly. Anyone else?
3 comments June 29th, 2013
Every time I start my tractor a microscopic wave of common sense reverberates through the cosmos. OSHA hyperventilates. Ralph Nader weeps. Al Gore shudders. Obama’s teleprompter falls over. Nancy Pelosi drops kicks her armed bodyguard in the shin. Michael Bloomberg spills his big gulp. Domestic aerial drones lose their beaings. Twitter is delayed a half second. The NSA accidentally deletes someones’ Facebook profile. I smile!
via Old Tractors Versus New Crap: Part II | The Adaptive Curmudgeon's Blog.
Add comment June 27th, 2013
Map Shows The Most Famous Brand From Each State Of The US –
2 comments June 25th, 2013
…the Supreme Court just decided in favor of the adoptive parents is an act of sexual discrimination.
Here’s the relevant passage:
The phrase “continued custody” thus refers to custody that a parent already has (or at least had at some point in the past). As a result, §1912(f) does not apply where the Indian parent never had custody of the Indian child.
If it had been the biological mother who was disputing the adoption she would have won because, of course, biological mothers alway start with custody.
Just another example of how the only real choice a man ever gets when it comes to children is whether to wear a condom or not.
Add comment June 25th, 2013
I just ripped through Bioshock Infinite in less than three days.
The best story I’ve ever experienced in a video game.
It felt like a book you could play.
Add comment June 17th, 2013
In an article titled Seriously, What’s The Matter With Kansas? , Rolling Stone Magazine called the Koch brothers:
“right-wing libertarian billionaires”
Which leads me to believe they don’t understand the meaning for “libertarian” or “right-wing.”
2 comments June 13th, 2013
Nixon never tapped my phone but Obama’s folks did.
via Corruption Niche II | The Adaptive Curmudgeon's Blog.
Add comment June 12th, 2013
…I don’t think people need to point out the Media’s double-standard anymore when it comes to the way they treat Democrats and Republicans. Let’s just take it as a given, cialis sale ask shall we?
3 comments June 10th, 2013
…and I’m wearing a fleece and a leather jacket.
Where is the global warming they promised me?
1 comment June 6th, 2013