More proof that the bloggers at Huffington Post have literally no idea what they’re talking about

Only someone who has never worked in marketing could think that the trends in advertising are sexist against women:

This was a big year for women: The first serious female presidential candidate, tadalafil buy the first predominately female state senate, best cialis online the first female Top Chef. Yet the advertising world has not caught up to the advances of half our population and continues to use stereotypes and violence to prey on our most vile desires. Here are the worst of them–the trends that won’t die despite our cultural outrage, unhealthy and personal boredom.

Yes, the ads she spotlights are egregious, but they are also the exception.

Anyone who works in advertising knows all the real sexism is aimed at men. White men are the last group in America than you can still safely make fun of. The doltish dad, the hapless husband, and the moronic male are all stock characters in advertising.

Yes, there are occasionaly some ads aimed exclusively at men (mostly for beer) that are degrading to women, but since women buy the majority of products in America most marketers try very hard not to offend their customers.

2 comments December 10th, 2008


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