Is it the “business page” or the “busybody page?”

Why is this story about kids without health insurance on the front page of the “business” section of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel?

I love kids, generic viagra sale but this story has no business angle at all.

If the paper wants to use uninsured kids as a backdoor into creating socialized medicine, sildenafil physician then let them say that on the editorial page. But don’t print the problem in the business section and thus imply that it’s heartless industrialists who are responsible for uninsured children dying of TB in the streets. (Which is NOT happening, by the way.)

Now I know why an old friend of mine always referred to the old Milwaukee Journal as Pravda West.

It’s such a pleasure to live in the state that’s the last bastion of communism north of Havana.

1 comment December 3rd, 2006


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