I’m sure Ellen Goodman will be voting Repbulican, now, right?

Ellen Goodman wrote a column, buy viagra tadalafil today, viagra generic medical bemoaning that with Hillary Clinton’s defeat women had lost their chance to take high office:

I was not surprised to see the tenacity of this story line. However many speakers talked about the 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling, discount the ceiling is in place. While polls say that women now feel it’s more likely to have a woman president in the future, older women wonder, “In my lifetime?”

Now that John McCain has nominated a woman to be a heartbeat away from the highest office in the land, do you think Ellen will:

A.) Start praising the Republicans for putting women back on the front burner
B.) Vilify Sarah Palin as being a woman in chromosomes only?

1 comment August 29th, 2008


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