If you looked closely, you could probably see a tear rolling down Thomas Jefferson’s cheek

Washington police broke up a group of libertarians for dancing at the Jefferson Memorial:

“I guess the only conclusion, sildenafil ed here, viagra sales is that it’s apparently illegal to dance on the steps of the Jefferson Memorial–even with headphones. You know, post 9-11 world and all. Harmless fun will be interpreted in the most threatening context imaginable.  Whimsy and frivolity will not be tolerated.

Of course, the real irony here is that all of this happened at the Jefferson Memorial, in observance of Jefferson’s birthday. Go out to celebrate the birth of the most hardcore, anti-authoritarian of the Founding Fathers, get hauled off in handcuffs. The photo’s almost poetry, isn’t it? One of history’s most articulate critics of abuse of state authority looks on as a park police cop uses his elbow to push a female arrestee into one of said critic’s memorial pillars.

Every single day I wonder what happened to the country I learned about in elementary school.

2 comments April 14th, 2008


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