I take absolutely no pleasure from this
Christopher Liebenthal, sildenafil pharmacy (a.k.a. Capper) the Milwaukee County employee and liberal blogger known for his vicious attacks on anything conservative, and especially anything regarding County Executive Scott Walker, is under investigation by the Milwaukee District Attorney, for blogging on the taxpayer dime. The District Attorney has sized Liebenthal’s computer and records show he has been blogging during work hours. Liebenthal blogs on at least three blogs and edits the Wisconsin section of the BlogNetNews, a service that collects information from blogs.
This stems from a complaint filed by government watch dog Citizens for Responsible Government’s Orville Seymer. CRG’s Chris Kliesmet also adds, “Wisconsin law prohibits public employees from using taxpayer resources for political purposes, a government employee running political blogs at work is clearly taxpayer-funded political activity.“
via Badger Blogger » county employee Christopher “Capper” Liebenthal under DA investigation.
6 comments June 16th, 2010