Has the press taken sides?

Most members of the mainstream media are politically Liberal.

That’s an undeniable fact

For the most part, viagra buy viagra I think over the years professional journalists have made an effort to be as nonpartisan as their unconscious biases would allow.

But, ampoule now, it feels like the mainstream media has abandoned any pretense towards impartiality and declared open war on the Right.

There’s a reason why a majority of Americans think the press is out to hurt Sarah Palin.

For well over a year, the mainstream media has been fawning all over Barack Obama.

And now I’m wondering if, like Paul Soglin, the press hasn’t decided that this election is so important that anything they have to do to assure Barack Obama’s election is justified.

The Fourth Estate has an important role to play in a Democracy.

They should ask hard questions.

They should probe for answers.

They should try to find the truth.

But they should not take sides.

And, at this point, it is my judgment that many members of the press have abandoned their traditional role as democracy’s referees and have chosen advocacy over arbitration.

3 comments September 12th, 2008


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