Florida Supreme Court strikes down school vouchers (and common sense)

FIRST THE NEWS: The vouchers, buy cialis viagra known as Opportunity Scholarships, pharmacy are a cornerstone of Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s education agenda, cialis but in a 5-2 opinion the Florida Supreme Court rebuked Bush’s approach, declaring the program unconstitutional and saying it funnels tax dollars into “separate private systems parallel to and in competition with the free public schools.”

THEN THE SARCASTIC COMMENTARY: Yes. The last thing we want in America is competition. Competition never accomplished anything.

By the way, if public schools are “free” what the hell are they doing with all my property taxes?

And if you want to talk about unfair…what about the people who are already paying for the “free” schools with their taxes, but have to come up with the extra money to send their kids to private schools because the public schools SUCK?

2 comments January 6th, 2006


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