Posts filed under 'Politics'

JS Online: War hits home so local residents deserve a voice

In supporting a Milwaukee referendum against the U.S. presence in Iraq, generic viagra salve Ms. Marcia Thurnbauer wrote in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that local residents have a right to voice their concern because, treat as she states, “As of mid-November, 50 Wisconsin service men and women have been killed in Iraq.”

On the other hand, by mid-October 100 men and women had been murdered right here in Milwaukee.

I wonder when a referendum against that will go on the city ballot?

1 comment December 1st, 2005

Steel Curtain? Homeland Security?

At this point, cialis sales cialis I’ve probably established myself as a fire-breathing conservative…

But for a nice change of pace, sovaldi let’s talk about how uncomfortable I am with some of the language I’ve been seeing and hearing since 9/11.

Homeland Security sounds like a department that would be guarding the Fatherland.

Steel Curtain certainly recalls the Soviet-era Iron Curtain that I grew up with.

National security letters” sound very menacing (both connotatively and literally). It also makes me think of the phrase “Show me your papers, doctor fraulein.”

Huey Long supposedly said, “If Fascism comes to America it would be on a program of Americanism.”

Don’t get me wrong. I do NOT believe George Bush is a fascist (I also don’t believe he is as good a president as his father was), but I would like it if our official language didn’t make me feel like I was living in Germany in 1943 or Russia in 1964.

Add comment November 15th, 2005

Sykes take on liberals and business

Newsradio 620 WTMJ: Charlie Sykes wrote, best viagra doctor “It must be confusing to be a liberal these days:If you are a liberal you hate Wal Mart because its prices are too low.If you are a liberal you hate the oil companies because their prices are too high.*”

I wish I had thought of that.

Add comment November 15th, 2005

Column linking 50 Cent movie to concealed carry proposal not worth a plugged nickel

In his November 13th column, viagra buy help JS Online: 50 Cent movie ought to trigger a reaction at Capitol, patient Eugene Kane wrote, “As they will see in “Get Rich,” many so-called “legal guns” end up in the hands of criminals. There’s little in the concealed gun bill to prevent that from happening.”

And absolutely nothing in the bill that would cause it to happen.

Seriously, what kind of a leap of logic is this?

1 comment November 13th, 2005


In an October 31st editorial, cialis generic ask JS Online: Editorial: A nomination that will divide , cialis sale sovaldi the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editorial staff wrote, cure “In losing a woman, the court with Alito would feature seven white men, one white woman and a black man, who deserves an asterisk because he arguably does not represent the views of mainstream black America.”

Anyone else notice what the first syllable of “asterisk” sounds like?

Enough said.

1 comment November 13th, 2005

First Amendment is last thing on some liberals’ minds

Read the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel story JS Online: Old moniker, viagra sales buy cialis fresh battle and then answer three questions:

1.) Since when was this acceptable behavior?

2.) Aren’t liberals supposed to be the defenders of the First Amendment?

3.) And is this really that big a deal?

Add comment November 6th, 2005

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