Posts filed under 'Politics'

Insurgents are targeting doctors in Iraq…and we’re the bad guys?

Apparently, discount viagra medical doctors are the number one target of the insurgents in Iraq.

And yet we’re the bad guys.

We evicted a murderous dictator.

And yet we’re the bad guys.

We gave the oppressed a chance to govern themselves.

And yet we’re the bad guys.

We’re pouring our own money into a country that should be swimming in oil wealth.

And yet we’re the bad guys.

Our soldiers are giving their lives so strangers will have a chance to have lives of their own.

And yet we’re the bad guys.

Well, cialis canada pharm all I can say to the U.S. troops who are selflessly sacraficing their own lives, limbs, and liberty in the name of a better future for Iraqis and Americans alike is…

…not bad, guys.

7 comments January 4th, 2006

Apparently the KKK is not OK with either liberals or conservatives

I have one observation after perusing the many blog posts inspired by All Things Beautiful’s challenge to name the 10 Worst Americans.

It seems like almost everyone on both sides of the political spectrum hates the KKK.

Nathan Bedford Forrest – Founder of the KKK – seems to have made almost everyone’s list.

You would expect the liberals to hate the KKK, generic cialis capsule but my question is what’s the explanation for so many conservative-types naming Nathan as a bad guy?

I suppose you could say that those conservatives were just trying to make themselves look enlightened.

But my own feeling is that modern conservatives get a bum rap when it comes to race.

It’s easy to dismiss conservatives’ opinions on affirmative action, find welfare, crime, and so on by calling them racists.

But I believe many on the “right” practice what I call color-blind conservatism.

They just want everyone to be given the same opportunities.

And to be held to the same standards.

Regardless of race.

I’ll go further and say if Colin Powell had been willing to run for president as a Republican, he would have been elected. (Personally, I’m hoping Ms. Rice chooses to run in 2008.)

So what do the rest of you guys think?

Am I on to something here?

Or have the bubbles from our New Year’s Eve champaign gone to my head?

6 comments December 31st, 2005

Why I could never be a liberal: #2

Because “more money” is not the answer to the question “how do we get public schools up to the standards of most private and parochial schools?”

That’s #2.

1 comment December 30th, 2005

Why I’m not really a conservative: #2

I believe in evolution.

And even if I didn’t, best viagra remedy I would agree 100% with the federal judge who decided that intelligent design is NOT science and IS a violation of the establishment clause.

That’s reason #2.

Add comment December 29th, 2005

Why I could never be a liberal: #1


I once asked a liberal what percentage of my income would be enough for him?




I offered him a deal:

I told him I’d pay whatever percentage of my income he named in taxes for the rest of my life, viagra usa cialis if…

…he promised he would NEVER ask for another nickle.

He wouldn’t take the deal.

He just couldn’t bring himself to actually set a limit.

That’s reason #1.

Add comment December 27th, 2005

Why I’m not really a conservative: #1

The environment.

I LIKE the environment.

And I’d be happy to see a couple of lumberjacks switch to computer programming…

…if it ensured that my great grand children could still see owls in the wild.

That’s reason #1.

Add comment December 27th, 2005

Marquette Warrior and the 4th Amendment?

Marquette Warrior is one of those sites that doesn’t allow comments, best viagra troche so I find myself forced to respond to John’s post Clinton Claimed Authority to Order No-Warrant Searches here.

I understand that John is trying to point out the hypocrisy of the media, nurse but I’m hoping he doesn’t defend Clinton’s position on warrantless searchs.

I’m don’t think the 4th Amendment could be any clearer on this one.

You want in MY house?

No warrant, no way.

Add comment December 21st, 2005

A sick day policy that makes me feel a little ill

I could have sworn I heard UW President Kevin Reilly on WPR this morning say that he was proud of some of the employment reforms they’d made.

He specifically mentioned that they have the TOUGHEST sick leave policy in state government.

If you miss five days of work you need to present a note from your doctor.

Of course, cialis canada ampoule if you miss five days of work in the real world you don’t need a note.

You need a resume.

3 comments December 14th, 2005

The Death Penalty

I hate it when someone does a better job than I could of expressing MY opinion. Kathleen Parker pretty much said everything that needs to be said about the death penalty in viagra sales treatment 0, viagra generic viagra 4116392.column”>Tookie’s timeout.

In other words… I was for it and now I’m leaning against it.

Of course, if we did decide to get rid of the death penalty, I do have a couple of stray thoughts:

1.) If you commit murder, you automatically get life in prison.

2.) Life in prison means LIFE in prison. No parole. No matter how “rehabilitated” you are.

3.) You work in prison to pay restitution to the family and loved ones of the person you killed AND to reimburse the state for the expense of your incarceration.

Of course, all of the above assumes you’ll survive the crime you try to commit. (For example, attempt to hurt me or someone I love and you won’t be going to prison. You’ll be going to the morgue.)

Add comment December 8th, 2005

What if Iraq was really South Africa?

IRAQ: Until recently run by a minority of the population at the expense of the majority.

SOUTH AFRICA: Until recently run by a minority of the population at the expense of the majority.

QUESTION: If the whites had resorted to terrorism after Apartheid collapsed…would liberal America have been so quick to declare South Africa a lost cause?

4 comments December 6th, 2005

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