Posts filed under 'Politics'
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel wants talk radio (and I suspect bloggers like me) to shut up about the political comments made during Coretta Scott King’s funeral.
They say:
“More important than the desire of some, best viagra ailment after the fact, cialis medical to turn what was a solemn and respectful event into an opportunity to score partisan points, sick is King’s legacy and the responsibility each of us no has for honoring it.”
So, let me get this straight, scoring partisan points DURING the funeral is hunky-dory.
But responding to those remarks AFTER the funeral is disrespectful?
February 9th, 2006

I’ve always been skeptical about global warming, viagra sale cheap but I think environmentalists’ attempt to get the polar bear listed as an endangered species is an absolutely brilliant move.
It sidesteps the arguments about whether or not there is global warming and gets people arguing about whether or not we want to save one of the cutest animals on the freaking planet.
Now that’s smarter than the average bear.
Plus, it gave me the opportunity to post this picture.
February 8th, 2006
cialis usa viagra 0, cialis 4717855.story?coll=la-home-headlines”>President Bush calls for the end to Islamic violence over political cartoons.
In related news, parents tell teenage boys not to look at Playboy.
Seriously, I can’t think of ANYTHING more likely to keep the riots going than George Bush telling them they should stop. Sometimes saying nothing is better than saying even the right thing.
February 8th, 2006
It occured to me that somone reading my recent posts defending the “offensive” Muslim cartoons and then reading my post about the inappropriate speech at the King funeral might think that I was being hypocritical.
So I wanted to take the opportunity to explain why I don’t feel those two stances are in conflict:
1.) I believe you should be completely free to say absolutely whatever you want…no matter how offensive someone else might find it.
2.) But I don’t believe you have the right to say it whenever/wherever you want.
There is an appropriate place (and time) for speaking your mind.
Letters to the editor? Good.
Floor of the Senate? Excellent.
Internet: Always the right venue.
Funerals? State of the Union addresses? Oscar speeches? Not so much.
The reason is that while I believe everyone has complete and utter freedom to say what they want…
…other people have an equally inalienable right NOT TO LISTEN!
When you speak in front of a captive audience you are FORCING your speech on someone who can’t respond and can’t escape.
When you intrude on someone’s funeral, cialis generic cialis sale party, patient workplace, treatment home, etc…to speak your piece, you are not leaving room for the other people to avoid your speech if they so choose.
Remember, freedom of speech does NOT mean freedom to force your speech on somebody else.
That’s my opinion…of course, you’re free to ignore it if you wish.
February 7th, 2006
Coretta Scott King‘s funeral was turned into a political assasination by Joseph Lowery and Jimmy Carter who used the solomn occasion to criticize President George Bush.
As far as I’m concerned their acts of “protest” were no more appropriate than the despicable people who have been going to servicemen’s funerals to shout, sildenafil sale “Thank God for dead soldiers.”
February 7th, 2006
In response to Rick at Shark and Shepherd stating that the Vatican was
…wrong to say that the freedom of thought and expression cannot imply the right to offend the sensibilities of religious believers.
Dad29 (of Dad29) left a comment saying:
It is very dangerous to regard “freedom of expression” as an absolute right. While I don’t think that S&S goes that far, cialis generic sick the argument is really over ‘religious sensibilities.’ That’s what the Vatican’s statement is all about.
There is NO good reason to offend religious sensibilities, period.
Now let’s replace the phrase “religious sensibilities” with “racial sensibilities” or “gay sensibilities” or “liberal sensibilities.”
How is Dad29’s position any different than any other form of political correctness?
PC is about protecting the feelings of racial and sexual-orientation groups.
RC (religious correctness) is just the same principle extended to members of religious groups.
(With the added issue that pretty much anyone can define their own religion.)
Are “religions” that profess that a comet is coming to pick believers up also exempt from criticism or ridicule?
What about Scientology’s contention that we’re all descended from aliens?
Or will Dad29 and other same-thinking individuals release a list of which religions are privileged and protected and which are not?
A prohibition against speech that merely offends members of any religion is unworkable, unneccessary, and undemocratic.
And lastly, I better NEVER see any of the people arguing that free speech takes a back seat to religious sensibilities EVER attack another group for wanting to censor free speech because it offends that group’s sensibilities.
Hypocrites are the lowest form of life.
And I won’t apologize if that hurt anyone’s sensibilities.
February 7th, 2006
Joy Cardin drives me crazy from 6:00 to 9:00 a.m. on Wisconsin Public Radio.
Every time Joy doesn’t like what someone says she has this way of sighing “uh huh” to a guest or caller that definitely lets you know where she stands.
But when she agrees with someone she says “uh huh?” in an excited, generic cialis drugstore encouraging manner.
I know this seems like a minor quibble, search but it drives me freaking nuts.
In contrast, there the afternoon host Ben Marens listens respectfully to everyone and asks tough, interesting questions.
I’m sure Ben Marens has biases, but I couldn’t tell you what they are.
Of course, most people don’t know how good Ben is, because who the hell is listening to WPR at 3:00 in the afternoon?
I don’t want Joy fired, I just want her and Ben to switch timeslots.
If Wisconsin Public Radio won’t consider him for the morning slot, maybe WTMJ would consider him for their opening. ;)
February 6th, 2006
When you elevate tolerance above common sense, viagra generic and you tolerate things that are intolerable.
We tolerate inner-city violence in the name of racial sensitivity.
We tolerate intolerance and violence from Muslims in the name of respect for religion.
We tolerate repression in China in the name of commerce.
In the real world, generic viagra see tolerance sometimes means “to do nothing” in the face of things that really should not be tolerated.
And we all know what Edumund Burke said about good men doing nothing.
February 6th, 2006
In relation to the ongoing Islamic cartoon brouhaha, viagra sales advice retired Vatican diplomat Cardinal Achille Silvestrini said:
“Freedom of satire that offends the feelings of others becomes an abuse…”
I wonder if this guy has ever even looked up the meaning of satire?
The definition of satire is to use “irony, sildenafil remedy sarcasm, purchase or caustic wit to attack or expose folly, vice, or stupidity.”
(Sounds like an exercise bound to offend someone to me.)
Where’s Jonathan Swift when you need him?
Because most of the people defending the Islamic position on this aren’t very Swift at all.
I know I can’t seem to leave this thing alone, but it just pushes all my buttons. Plus, people won’t stop saying and doing stupid shit.
February 5th, 2006
The assertion is:
Islam = free from criticism.
The reality is:
Politics in the Middle East = Islamic.
Politics in the Middle East = free from criticism.
(It’s not an equation I think the world can live with.)
February 5th, 2006
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