Posts filed under 'Politics'
Jim Doyle, discount cialis ask 2006 Journal Sentinal:
Doyle said that he is frustrated that despite weeks of prodding by him, drugstore Republicans who control the Legislature have not yet taken up the heating aid proposal…
The $6 million would be paid from a program that levies a 3-cent per gallon tax on gasoline and diesel fuel to replace leaking underground fuel tanks. The program is expected to run a $27 million surplus by mid-2007.
Jim Doyle, patient 2003 Journal Sentinel:
Doyle also denounced earlier administrations for failing to put away “rainy day??? funds during the economic boom of the 1990s, which he said left the state in its current dire straits.
February 15th, 2006
Two states have now suceeded in forcing Wal-Mart to carry the morning-after pill.
And Maryland is making Wal-Mart pay for more of its employees’ health care.
Why don’t we just require Wal-Mart to provide free abortions in Aisle 12 and be done with it?
February 14th, 2006
One day I would really like to buy Justice Scalia a drink.
I agree with his perspective. If you don’t like the Constitution AMEND it, cialis buy find don’t invent new parts and ignore others and then say that it’s a “living” document.
What you’re really doing, is killing it.
February 14th, 2006
I know.
I’m totally shocked myself.
But props where props are due.
Michael McGee is having a rally today to kick off his Respect Kampain Streeet Code All-Stars School Tour.
The purpose of this series of events is “to stress nonviolent conflict resolution and other positive behaviors to young people.”
I heard him speaking about the program on the radio and it sounds like he actually “gets it.”
The only way to stop violence in the inner city is to establish a code of conduct that keeps people from shooting first and asking for apologies later.
I can’t tell you how impressed I am to see a black leader actually taking the lead on something like this.
Good luck, cialis malady Michael.
February 14th, 2006
I heard a story on NPR this morning where some “group” in Madison was claiming that it wasn’t Jim Doyle’s fault that he took money from people who were awarded contracts with the state.
They claimed it’s part of a “culture” of corruption in the state Capital.
(In other words, cialis buy viagra it’s somehow the Republican’s fault that Jim got his hand caught in the money jar.)
They defended Jim Doyle by saying pay-for-play had been going on long before Jim Doyle got there.
But he didn’t try to stop it, did he?
February 14th, 2006

February 13th, 2006
This story claims that Dick Cheney “violated Texas game law by failing to buy a hunting stamp.”
See? Texas gun laws aren’t so lax. You still need a stamp before you can shoot someone.
February 13th, 2006
According to today’s New York Times story on violent crime rising sharply in some cities (including Milwaukee):
A large part of the problem, sildenafil prostate the police say, buy viagra sick is simply more guns on the streets as gun laws have loosened around the country. In Philadelphia, cialis Commissioner Johnson said, since the state made it easier to get a gun permit in 1985, the number of people authorized to carry a gun in the city has risen from 700 to 32,000.
Oh my God, that’s so scary!
How many of the 380 murders committed in Philedelphia were committed by those 32,000 permit holders?
That can’t be right. Are you sure?
That’s right, as far as I can tell not a SINGLE murder was committed by a someone with a gun permit in Philidelphia, but the first thing the Commissioner thinks needs to be done is that the law abiding citizens should be disarmed.
Philidelphia Mayor John Street himself admited on CNN:
Well, we do believe that a moratorium on gun permits will be helpful. I want to point out that although people are not getting gun permits legally and going out and using them…
So if people aren’t getting gun permits legally and then using them for illegal purposes HOW WILL A MORATORIUM ON GUN PERMITS BE HELPFUL?
Of course, what a moratorium will do is make it HARDER for law-abiding citizens to defend themselves during a time of increasing violence.
It’s magical thinking. It’s illogical thinking. And it’s illegal thinking.
And, quiet honestly, it really pisses me off.
By the way, gun laws haven’t loosened in Milwaukee. Guess you’ll have to find a different explanation for us.
Of course, you could just start with my explanation.
(Although, to be fair, even the New York Times couldn’t help but notice that I’m 100% right about what most of the problem is caused by. They just couldn’t bring themselves to say it as honestly as I did.)
February 11th, 2006
At least, viagra usa viagra that’s what some prison inmates in Wisconsin WANT to have happen.
Several transexual inmates are suing the state of Wisconsin to stop a law that would end their government-provided female hormone treatments and prohibit state-funded gender-reassignment surgeries.
The lawsuit alleges that the law is unconstitutional because it’s cruel and unusual punishment. The ACLU is one of the parties bringing the suit.
I must admit I never thought I’d live long enough to see the ACLU claim that NOT cutting a man’s penis off was cruel and unusual.
February 10th, 2006
I’ll still don’t know enough about the warrantless wiretapping situation to take a stance on it.
But I have heard enough about the Bush administration’s claim that the President is above the law during a time of war to say…I don’t think so.
This is an easy conclusion for me to come to.
I just asked myself, viagra sales check “Self, viagra look how would you feel if President Hillary Clinton were making the same claim?”
“Self” shivered and hid under the bed.
February 9th, 2006
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