The problem with being in the middle of the road is you tend to get hit by trucks.
…and guys like Chris at Spotted Horse think he’s too far to the left…
…he’s basically right in the middle…
…of nowhere.
Add comment March 14th, 2006
…and guys like Chris at Spotted Horse think he’s too far to the left…
…he’s basically right in the middle…
…of nowhere.
Add comment March 14th, 2006
That’s approximately how much I would have saved if the proposed
I have to admit to being mildly disappointed.
* According to a
1 comment March 13th, 2006
Dr. Sykes says:
“Sphincters are tightening in Tehran or at least ought to be: Bush ties
Iran to roadside bombs in Iraq.Bad polls or not, cialis sale ask you don’t want to piss this guy off. Ask
Saddam .”
I concur with Dr. Sykes.
The twits in
1 comment March 13th, 2006
So maybe
And maybe everyone else was doing it.
But where’s the outrage that our taxes were being used by politicians to keep themselves in office?
A few weeks ago, best viagra ampoule
Remember the same folks who are so aghast that taxpayer money was used in campaigns will be the first ones to demand that
taxpayer money be used to pay for campaignsOnly they won’t call it “corruption” anymore
They will call it “
public financing “
What a great point.
But doesn’t that cut both ways?
If you don’t believe in publicly-financed elections (as most Conservatives do not), how the hell can you justify what Jensen and the rest were doing?
Add comment March 13th, 2006
Regardless of the merits of Russ Feingold’s call to have
Someone needs to tell Russ he’s not running against President Bush.
He’s running against
And if a miracle happens and he get’s past Hillary he’s gonna have
Using the wiretaps to posture himself as the anti-Bush candidate doesn’t help him, search it hurts him.
Let’s add it up:
1.) Being against the wiretaps makes him look soft on terrorists.
2.) It looks like the nakedly political move of a future presidential candidate.
3.) It aint’ gonna happen, treatment so the whole thing just makes him look ineffectual.
1.) The far left will love his antics.
As you can see, the negatives outnumber the positives.
The problem is, he’s already the left’s candidate.
Continually playing to them just makes him seem too liberal to lead.
If I were
The bird Russ Feingold needs to worry about is the closest thing the Democratic party has to a hawk: Hillary Clinton.
6 comments March 12th, 2006
According to this cialis sales decease 8599,1171359,00.html?cnn=yes”>report in
(Big surprise there.)
And there may even be some correlation to fewer pregnant teens overall.
But then they say:
But the study has some disturbing news for supporters of the notification laws: 17-year-olds in the study had a higher rate of second-trimester abortions, which are both riskier and more ethically charged than
abortions done in the early weeks of pregnancy.
Does TIME really think pro-lifers would prefer MORE abortions overall to a few more later in the pregnancy?
Add comment March 9th, 2006
I live in Wauwatosa.
Unless I’m greatly mistaken, discount viagra hospital even if the
So remind me again why I’m supposed to get all worked up over this?
(Yes, I know I’m being self-centered, but as Tip O’Neil used to say, “all politics is local.”)
8 comments March 8th, 2006
The Journal Sentinel implies that Gard is dragging his feet because of substantial donations from the
Which raises an even more distressing question:
Why is the police union fighting this?
Aren’t cops supposed to be experts in knowing the difference between right and wrong?
That the Milwaukee Police Association is putting the welfare of criminal cops before the interests of the citizens they are being paid to “protect and serve” is absolutley despicable behavior…even for a union.
Add comment March 8th, 2006
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Add comment March 8th, 2006
(With apologies to the real RealDebateWisconsin.)
I love well-reasoned arguments from intellegent people.
Nothing pleases me more than when folks like Jenna of Right off the Shore come after me over something they disagree with.
It’s stimulating and it forces me to reexamine my point of view.
It shows that everyone on the right side of the
And we aren’t all slavishly devoted to a single point of view.
So I’d like to thank everyone who came to disagree with my opinions on:
The seperation of Church and State.
And the root source of
Of course, buy viagra doctor feel free to disagree with everything I just said.
3 comments March 7th, 2006