Posts filed under 'Politics'

How much Moore do we have to put up with?

According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

House Democrat Gwen Moore of Milwaukee today plans to join a protest at Sudan’s embassy over the genocide in Darfur – and expects to be arrested.

Being concerned over the situation in Darfur is laudable and taking action as a legislator in the U.S. House of Representatives is appropriate.

But how effective is a legislator whose only solution for a political issue is to get herself arrested?

Isn’t this grandstanding the equivalent of saying, discount viagra ailmentI have no power. No one will listen to me. I can influence nothing without making an ass of myself?

This ridiculous gesture would probably have grave consequences for Gwen Moore’s image in the House and at home, viagra sale here if she hadn’t already been trivialized by the actions of her son.

I’m so glad I’m not a black man in America.

Not just because of the racism that still exists in many places, but because I believe I would die of shame if I were represented by:

1 comment May 16th, 2006

Is there any form of power the Left approves of? (Other than their own political power, that is.)

The Left hates coal power plants because of air pollution.

The Left hates nuclear power because of radioactivity.

And now they even hate wind power because it can decimate birds.

I find it funny that the Left often postures themselves as “progressives, generic viagra case ” because I often think if it were up to them we’d all be living in mud huts and trying not to step on worms.

I’m not in favor of indescriminate pollution, stuff slaughter or radioactivity, but life entails tradeoffs. And zero environmental impact is literally impossible. )

4 comments May 15th, 2006

It’s not a “failure of leadership”

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is calling Mayor Barret’s veto of the city’s latest half-assed public transportation proposal a failure of leadership.

What the Journal editorial writers fail to understand is that real leadership sometimes means refusing to take people to a place they shouldn’t be going.

(For example, tadalafil healing the Donner party was definitely a failure of leadership.)

Add comment May 11th, 2006

Illegal immigration is our fault

I’m not sure why the press is collaberating with vote-greedy politicians to try to shove illegal immigration down our throats (or up our borders), discount cialis and but the assault continued this morning on National Public Radio.

I just heard a report that blames illegal immigration on us.

You see the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is putting Mexican agriculture out of business because barefoot peasents can’t compete with American agribusiness. (Like this was unexpected. Or an avoidable tragedy. Fourth Century agricultural practices CAN’T compete with 22nd century technology. I guess the reporters felt like it was sad that subsistance farming doesn’t pay better.)

And because the farmers aren’t as “prosperous” as they use to be (I don’t remember them ever being prosperous, but I probably wasn’t paying attention), all the Mexicans that NAFTA made poor had to head north to survive.

What’s amazing about this perspective to me is it doesn’t explain all the illegal immigrants who we had to give amnesty to MORE THAN 20 YEARS AGO.

I thought NAFTA was passed in the 1990s. Not the 1890s.

Also, I got to hear the “exploit” word, today.

A young woman in Mexico was talking about how she was thinking about going north because all her friends were going and then coming back with new “clothes and cars.”

About ten seconds later she said immigration was Mexico’s fault because they liked getting rid of the poor and America’s fault because American’s were “exploiting” Mexican workers.

Poor people getting new clothes and cars certainly sounds like exploitation to me.

But this was a definite warning to American businesses who think they can play both sides of the line.

Right now, they think it’s smart to support illegal immigration because they can take advantage of the cheap labor.

But I’m telling you right now, you morons, the day after illegal immigrants become “guest workers,” the Democrats, the Unions, and the press are all going to get on your asses to start paying your cheap labor a “living wage.”

Mark my words, this won’t be the last time you hear the “exploitation” word in the next couple of years.

3 comments May 8th, 2006

I think all this talk about the minimum markup law is giving me gas.

On WPR this morning, viagra sales viagra I heard some Democrat in the state assembly say something like “the people who want to get rid of the minimum markup law haven’t shown any proof that repealing it will lower the price of gas in Wisconsin!”

To which I say…then why the hell are you fighting it?

2 comments May 5th, 2006

Feingold for President?

It just occured to me that having Russ Feingold run for president is a win/win situation.

Either he gets absolutely creamed in the general election and puts a Republican back in the Whitehouse.

Or he wins and we get a new senator from the great state of Wisconsin.

I’m getting excited just thinking about it.

3 comments May 1st, 2006

Need a cheerful thought?

Marvin Pratt isn’t mayor of Milwaukee.

Add comment April 28th, 2006

Mexico is starting to make me loco.

Apparently, buy cialis for sale Mexican lawmakers support the Mexican lawbreakers sneaking illegally into the United States.

This is absolutely outragous.

President Vicente Fox himself has lobbied relentlessly for an immigration “reform” in the United States. However, his administration has held back from getting involved the immigrant protests, saying it does not want to violate U.S. sovereignty.

What’s more of a violation than supporting 11 MILLION of your citizens illegally entering another country?

(I know someone is going to bring up Iraq. But it’s apples and oranges people.)

Add comment April 28th, 2006

I can not tell a lie…but Russ Feingold’s commercial might have.

A new internet “ad” from Russ Feingold implies that George Bush is eavesdropping on anyone who “criticizes” him.

I’d like to remind Mr. Feingold that critics send strongly-worded letters.

Al-Qaeda terrorists and their cronies (the people George Bush says he’s “eavesdropping” on) send jets into crowded buildings.

2 comments April 19th, 2006

Another difference between Conservatives and Liberals

On WPR this morning, cialis canada sickness I heard an advocate for New Orleans say the Federal government had failed New Orleans by building inadequate levees and should therefore provide the city with massive amounts of aid including a huge jobs program.

Liberals always think the answer to bad government is more government.

Conservatives know that just means more bad government.

3 comments April 13th, 2006

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