Posts filed under 'Politics'

Doyle’s lawyer orchestrated the election board’s partisian decision to sanction Mark Green’s campaign

The only thing that surprises me about one of Jim Doyle‘s lawyers’ sleazy manipulation of the state election board is that the lawyer was dumb enough to do at least some of it via email.

3 comments September 21st, 2006

Parks and taking us for a ride.

In a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editorial calling for new financing for the Milwaukee County Park System, best cialis levitra the paper said:

“the immediate park problem isn’t governance but financing.”

I disagree.

The problem is we were told our ridiculously high taxes were paying for great parks…but what we were really paying for was great pensions.

(And the pensions weren’t ours.)

Add comment September 20th, 2006

Registration does not equal confiscation

I don’t like gun control.

It pisses me off that the legislative and judicial branches have worked hand-in-hand to deprive me of my constitutional (and basic human) right to protect myself.

That said, viagra generic troche it depresses the hell out of me that I find myself on Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett‘s side in the argument between him and Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner about Congress’s attempt to stop the ATF from helping local authorities trace gun sales.

I think we should do a much better job of tracking guns in this country. Just like I think we should be able to tell exactly who’s voting, I think we should be able to tell exactly who is responsible for any particular gun.

4 comments September 14th, 2006

Well, I guess we know who the Journal Sentinel supports when it comes to illegal immigration

Christine Newman-Ortiz of the illegal immigrant advocate group Voces de La Frontera spoke at yesterday’s Milwaukee Rotary Club lunch.

Who introduced her?

None other than Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editorial page editor O. Ricardo Pimentel.

2 comments September 6th, 2006

Green announces his own stem cell initiative…

…and takes Jim Doyle‘s biggest anti-Green attack issue away from him.

I, viagra generic pilule for one, am all in favor of Mr. Green’s genes. Nice move, man.

2 comments September 5th, 2006

I’ll be stunned if we ever get the right to use one.

Imagine a non-lethal stun gun that didn’t need wires and could shoot accurately and effectively at a range of over almost 500 feet…

The sad thing is ‚Äì why I can easily imagine such a device ‚Äì I can’t imagine the political left ever conceeding us the right to carry one for self-defense.

5 comments September 5th, 2006

I hate it…

…when people suggest that the Democrats are the party of “no ideas.”

They are clearly the party of “failed ideas.”



Add comment September 5th, 2006

I would gladly trade a Republican President…

…for a Republican governor of Wisconsin.

5 comments September 4th, 2006

If you could just appoint someone president…

…who would you choose?

The first person who leapt into my head?

Colin Powell.

20 comments September 1st, 2006

Wisconsin’s median income drops

I can’t wait to see how Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle‘s people manage to make this George Bush‘s fault.

Add comment August 30th, 2006

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