Posts filed under 'Politics'

Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle is doing quite a job holding down taxes.


Add comment October 24th, 2006

God bless, America! I love this country!

After all, viagra sales search where else would you find a story like this:

Porn star gives up candidacy to be with sick mom

Porn star Mary Carey said Monday she was dropping out of the California governor’s race to be with her ailing mother, cialis usa pills who has been hospitalized in Florida since jumping off a four-story building last month.

Add comment October 23rd, 2006

It’s like Stalin calling Brezhnev a moderate

I’m not the first one to notice that the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel keeps calling Jim Doyle a “centrist” or “moderate” in their headlines.

It’s not the paper’s job to decide where on the political spectrum the candidates fit.

Report their positions and let the electorate decide whether the positions are left, best viagra cure right or center.

Add comment October 23rd, 2006

Who’s really being disingenous on the illegal immigrant issue?

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel‘s article attacking the GOP’s use of illegal immigration as an issue in the Wisconsin race for Governor says:

“With the Mexican border well more than 1, discount cialis diagnosis 000 miles away, online the emphasis on illegal immigration as a hot-button issue in Wisconsin might seem odd to some.”

Really? So illegal immigrants must all be staying right in those border states? They never…

…move to Milwaukee and march in the streets demanding that they be given the same rights as native born Americans and legal immigrants?

And certainly there isn’t a Democrat mayor there to greet them with “Buenas tardes.”

I suppose the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel just forgot their fawning coverage of the “Day Without Immigrants” rally in Milwaukee.

Or their story on the local Labor Day parade where advocates for illegal immigrants outnumbered representatives of organized labor?

Illegal immigration and its impact on Wisconsin is a legitimate issue. The Democrats and their cronies at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel are uncomfortable with it because they are on the losing side.

Of course, help the Wisconsin governor doesn’t have to make policy about the border…but we do need policies to deal with the illegals who are already here.

The Journal Sentinel’s attempts to dismiss this issue as irrelevant is just as partisan and disingenous as they keep accusing Republicans of being on this issue.

2 comments October 18th, 2006

A corrupt labor leader?

Who could even imagine such a thing?

Add comment October 17th, 2006

Did Mark Foley actually touch anyone?

Just curious.

I mean, viagra sale tadalafil the guy is creepy and his behavior was completely unacceptable, but the national press acted like he was Jeffrey Dahmer and the Marquis de Sade all rolled into one.

So…did he even touch anyone?

3 comments October 17th, 2006

“County government is not a jobs program.”

I heard Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker say something very much like this on Wisconsin Public Radio this week.

I love that man.

(In a completely platonic way, discount cialis shop of course.)

2 comments October 15th, 2006

Letting the air out of Air America?

What’s the big deal about Air America filing for Chapter 11?

After all, viagra viagra when it comes to having ideas that work, online the liberal left in America has been bankrupt for years.

I know that was a low blow, but I just couldn’t resist.

1 comment October 13th, 2006

I didn’t necessarily think it was Jim Doyle’s fault that Menards is expanding outside Wisconsin.

At least, cialis buy for sale I didn’t until the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel wrote an editorial saying it wasn’t Doyle’s fault.

As far as I’m concerned, cialis generic viagra every day is opposite day when it comes to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editorial board.

Whatever they say, I immediately believe the opposite.

1 comment October 11th, 2006

The Washington Post implies that gun control would prevent shootings in schools

The Washington Post is all snarky because there aren’t enough voices crying for more gun control as the solution to shootings in schools.

But what gun control do they think would stop school shootings?

Schools are already gun free zones.

A man willing to shoot 10 children in the head is probably willing to break a few gun laws.

Believing gun control will stop violence, viagra canada ed is like thinking outlawing pornography will prevent sex.

1 comment October 11th, 2006

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