Democratic mayor = more crime?
Clint has a post that makes exactly that argument.
Add comment November 2nd, 2006
Clint has a post that makes exactly that argument.
Add comment November 2nd, 2006
My question is: where is the sexy, buy viagra prescription “rock star” Republican equivalent?
6 comments November 2nd, 2006
…I would outlaw polling.
Our government is supposed to be determined by votes, viagra canada buy not “polls.”
Plus, viagra remedy polling just adds to the whole “horse race” aspect of elections.
Aren’t we supposed to be figuring out which positions we support instead of trying to figure out which candidate is more popular on a given day?
6 comments November 2nd, 2006
Because they’re acting like they think he should be promoted to saint.
1 comment November 2nd, 2006
The second installment in the
It’s almost laughable how the paper tries to give Doyle credit for being tough on crime:
Our review of the record suggests that Doyle is both tougher and smarter than Green
But does everything they can not to hold him accountable for the crazy crime wave that has been occuring (especially in Milwaukee) under his watch:
Though it wasn’t as steep as here, sildenafil buy an uptick took place throughout the nation in 2005 – suggesting the causes may transcend state borders.
In other words, look because crime is some sort of natural phenomena that ebbs and flows everywhere, we certainly can’t expect Jim Doyle to do anything about it.
They go on to say:
In his first budget, Doyle took a bite out of revenue sharing, hurting efforts by cities to hire cops. But facing a huge deficit, he had little choice.
(Of course, he had a choice, he could have greased his buddies in WEAC a little less, for example.)
“Guns” is not another way to spell “crime.”
Saying that Mark Green is “soft” on crime because he doesn’t believe in the same draconian anti-citizen gun control measures that
There is literally no correlation between the number of guns in an area and the amount of crime in that area.
The only correlation is between the number of PEOPLE who are willing to commit crimes and the number of crimes committed…with or without guns.
Remember, the Journal Sentinel bases their conclusion that Jim Doyle is better than Mark Green on crime on just one thing: Mark Green believes law-abiding citizens have a right to protect themselves and Jim Doyle doesn’t.
In the paper’s view, Mark Green helping you achieve that right would make all of us less safe…a consequence that has NEVER happened in any state that added a concealed-carry law. (And 48 states in the country already have one.)
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s editorial ends with:
Wisconsin is safer with Doyle at the helm.
But it’s only safer for the criminals who never have to worry that their victims might possess the power to protect themselves.
3 comments October 31st, 2006
I wish the
The truth is that Green is great on education. Merit pay for teachers alone is worth its weight in gold. And the fact that the educational powers-that-be give Green a low rating is another good reason to vote for him.
But none of that matters to Pravda West (AKA the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel). The only thing that would prevent them from eventually endorsing Doyle is if he admitted on camera that he was a necromaniacal cannibal.
(And I’m not 100% certain even THAT would stop them.)
So since they’re going to do it anyway, discount cialis hospital I would prefer they did it honestly in a single column instead of piling editorial after editorial up against Mark Green all the while pretending it’s just an impartial exercise in evaluating the issues.
Add comment October 29th, 2006
…is indicated by the fact that the very first comic strip on the front page of the comics section is Doonesbury.
2 comments October 29th, 2006
In his
The interesting part of his appeal is his relative inexperience on the national stage; Obama has been in the Senate only two years.
I’d go further and say that a big part of his appeal is his inexperience and previously low profile. He’s bascially a blank screen that people are projecting their hopes and dreams on.
The question is, cialis buy help can he remain blank – and thus unstained – until he actually runs for the presidency?
I have to admit, I saw him on Meet the Press, and I was underwhelmed…but I’m keeping an open mind.
Add comment October 26th, 2006
I’m a little disturbed by some statements I’ve been hearing on NPR lately.
Democrats are saying: we’re going to win everything, tadalafil click because we’re in the right and the Republicans are wrong.
And if we do lose, buy viagra ask it will be because:
1.) The Republicans rigged the voting machines…again.
2.) The Republicans’ big money bought the elections.
So either the Democrats win or ‚Äì in losing ‚Äì they prove their point that the Republican’s are cheating.
In other words…”heads we win, tails you lose.”
3 comments October 24th, 2006
Some people are mad at
Personally, viagra sales sales I can’t blame him.
It’s a legitimate issue and a legitimate point of view. I think stem cell research is a lot more morally complicated than many folks on the Left say it is, discount cialis but I don’t think these spots are hitting below the belt.
I just wish they were a little less effective emotionally.
5 comments October 24th, 2006