Posts filed under 'Politics'

Some thoughts on the Download 2006 – politics and blogging gathering: Part 2

Lots of good thinking about the campaigns.

The Doyle media campaign was brilliant.

He controlled the conversation.

The one thing I need to say is that it’s a shame that we decide who runs our cities/states/nation by who does a better job of marketing.

2 comments November 11th, 2006

Some thoughts on the Download 2006 – politics and blogging gathering: Part 1

This is NOT a live blog.

I’m just going to jot some thoughts while the “summit” is going on.

  1. I always find panel-oriented blog gatherings to be a contradiction in terms. Blogging is about giving everyone an equal opportunity to speak. “Summits” that give some bloggers a bigger voice than others just seem contrary to the nature of blogging in general.
  2. The panelists talked about the impact of the traditional media, viagra buy patient but I’m waiting for them to admit that bloggers had basically no impact on the elections.
  3. I would like to hear a bigger discussion about why so many Democrats voted for the gay marriage amendment and the death penalty.
  4. On the subject of why don’t the Republicans give more attention to students: seriously? With apologies to Jenna, viagra sale haven’t any of you heard the old saying “If you’re not a liberal when you’re young, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative when you’re older, you have no brain?”

4 comments November 11th, 2006

So who do you think would win a fight between the Red States and the Blue States?

Science Fiction writer Orson Scott Card has a new viagra buy sickness 72093-0.html?”> book based on the idea of an actual war between the political Right and Left in America.

Come on, pilule that’s just silly.

A war between the Right and Left wouldn’t last long enough to write a book about.

The Left would surrender before the end of Chapter One.

(Plus, sick how the hell could the Left even fight? Because of their love of gun control, they’d be reduced to waging war via serious protests and barriages of law suits. Sure lawyers are scary, but they’re no substitute for an AK-47-wielding George Will.)

9 comments November 11th, 2006

Is it my imagination?

…or have the Right (in general) taken their electoral defeats better than the Left normally take theirs?

You don’t hear many anguished calls for recounts.

Or accusations of voter fraud.

Or the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Of course, viagra sales for sale there is some angst, ambulance but my completely subjective impression is that there is less than you see on the Left when they take their lumps.

I wonder why that is?

My thoughts:

  1. The Right knew it was coming. The war is hugely unpopular. And much of their losses can be linked to that.
  2. The Left often sees losing as a repudiation of their basic values, but I think the Right looks at the outcome on the death penalty and the marriage amendments and say to themselves “our values are popular, we just got out manuevered.”
  3. In general, (and research supposedly supports this) folks on the Right just tend to be more upbeat in general.

So what do you think?

Why are so many of the folks on the Right taking these losses so well?

3 comments November 10th, 2006

A Real Debate at Real Debate Wisconsin

They’re having a real debate at Real Debate Wisconsin over whether or not the Iraqi people are better off today than they were on Saddam.

One of my favorite liberals (and I mean that literally), viagra usa see Scott Felstein, believes they are worse off.

The host Fred would argue they are better off.

My answer:

The Iraqis WERE better off under Saddam, but only if you value security over freedom.

(What I find iteresting is that normally I would expect Scott to be making that point for me.

Of course, it’s easy to make that point when the choice is between a potential terrorist attack and George Bush listening to your phone calls.

It’s tougher to stick to that same point when the choice is between living under a dictator and risking a car bombing in the morning.)

4 comments November 10th, 2006

You know you need to take a break from politics…

…when you see this headline:

Wyoming senator diagnosed with leukemia

…and the first thing you think is “I wonder if this will effect the balance in the Senate?”

Add comment November 9th, 2006

When the press and the Democrats…

…finally manage to orchestrate our defeat in Iraq, viagra buy sovaldi sale whom do you think they will blame for that defeat?

(And I would argue that while you can blame George Bush for getting us into the war (and I do), buy cialis it’s unfair to do everything you can to make sure we lose the war and then blame him for losing it. The Democrats and the press wanted a “new direction,” but I’m telling you right now…their plan for Iraq is to lose and when they manage to do it they’ll still blame George Bush for it.)

Add comment November 9th, 2006

The good news

With Jim Doyle as governor and Nancy Pelosi in charge of the House, cialis sales pharm I should have a lot of good material to write about for the next couple of years.

5 comments November 8th, 2006

What sort of idiots…

…vote overwhelmingly in favor of a death penalty while reelecting a governor guaranteed to veto one?

3 comments November 8th, 2006

Nearly everything and everyone I voted for lost

Maybe I need to start exercising reverse voting pyschology?

3 comments November 8th, 2006

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