If the Democrats controlling Congress doesn’t scare you…
…maybe this will:
Actual photo used on CNN’s home page.
4 comments January 4th, 2007
…maybe this will:
Actual photo used on CNN’s home page.
4 comments January 4th, 2007
Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan disrupted a Democratic press conference saying:
“…she has nothing against lobbying reform, viagra canada click but she and her fellow anti-war activists want Democrats to know they will keep pressuring Congress to end the war in Iraq.”
Maybe someone needs to remind her that Congress could de-fund the war, sale but they can’t “end” it. She’ll have to wait for the Democrats to win the Whitehouse for that one. (Which there’s a pretty darn good chance they will.)
2 comments January 3rd, 2007
I can’t believe I’m saying this about a man accomplished enough to become a Justice on the U.S.
He really believes that his personal opinions deserve more weight than the actual words enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.
He justifies this megalomaniacal belief by posturing that the Founders’ words are antiquated and made invalid by the complexities of the modern world.
As an example he cites the First Amendment:
“Those words, ‘the freedom of speech,’ ‘Congress shall pass no law abridging the freedom of speech’ – neither they, the founders, nor those words tell you how to apply it to the Internet,” Breyer said.
With all due respect, Justice Breyer, what don’t you understand about the words “no law?”
It doesn’t matter if the law involvs town criers, television, or telepathy. The Constitution prohibits Congress for passing ANY law that abridges our right to say anything we damn well please. Despite the fevered assertions of generations of liberal lawyers and Justices, there is no ambiquity about “no law.” Of course, there are also plenty of laws abridging the Freedom of speech because the Supreme Court long ago abrogated its chief responsibility to ensure that Congress actually abided by the rules that the Founding Fathers so thoughtfully wrote down.
If nine un-elected men and women in black robes can vote their “feelings,” (regardless of the actual words written down on the one piece of paper they are sworn to support and defend) what’s the point of having a Constitution in the first place?
The Founders should have just written: ask the Supreme Court what to do, they’re in charge.
I think Justice Bryer ended up at the top of the wrong profession. Only one leader on the planet is supposedly infallible and his robes are white, not black.
1 comment December 4th, 2006
The ever-moderate
I’m no apologist for the Bush administration. I’m not a fan of their style or many of their decisions.
But I am also nearly as excited about the idea of getting bogged down in endless investigations as I am in getting bogged down in Iraq.
The Democrats posture themselves as “progressives.” Fine. Let’s see some progress. Move forward on trying to solve the problems of healthcare, viagra usa national security, and the Middle East. But if they spend half their time grandstanding in front of microphones trying to get some midlevel administration official to admit that the CIA blew up the twin towers, the Press will cheer them on…but the majority of the people won’t.*
*Unless they actually find some indisputable evidence of real crookery. Of course, the Right’s definition of evidence and the Left’s definition of crime and corruption can differ greatly – as we saw so amply demonstrated in Governor Jim Doyle’s relection in Wisconsin.
1 comment November 27th, 2006
When it comes to
“I could have sworn Governor Doyle told us there wasn’t a deficit.”
4 comments November 20th, 2006
It’s because they’re the ones who keep trying to bring it back.
4 comments November 19th, 2006
I recently watched
It’s a wonderful movie (and a better book).
But the entire time I watched it, cialis sales recipe I couldn’t help contrasting America’s bravery then and our country’s cowardice now.
Yes, buy we’ve lost 2338 serviceman in the war in Iraq in the last three years.
But we lost 6,821 G.I.s in a little over a month at
Did that battle make us “change course?”
Did we draw down?
Did we run away?
No. We kept fighting until the enemy lost their will to do the same.
If today’s
4 comments November 14th, 2006
2 comments November 13th, 2006
Isn’t it funny that
Add comment November 13th, 2006
When Russ Feingold says he won’t run for President in 2008, buy viagra cialis do you think it’s because he plans on running for Wisconsin Governor in 2010?
Maybe someone pointed out to him that Senators don’t often win the presidency, but governors often do.
3 comments November 12th, 2006