Posts filed under 'Politics'
At this point, cialis canada generic I’m afraid one of these two people is going to be the next President of the United States.The war in Iraq has pretty much poisoned the Presidency for any Republican and no other Democrats have the momentum they need to overcome Barak Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s leads.
So here’s the question for my mostly right-leaning audience, which of these two people will you vote for in the Democratic primary?
February 13th, 2007
Which is a bit of a surprise considering that I’ve never heard them ever refer to any pro-life Democrat as anything but conservative.
February 6th, 2007
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel recently named Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. as a possible candidate for mayor of Milwaukee in 2008.
But after reading Sheriff Clarke’s rebuttal of Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle’s desire to reduce the number of black criminals incarcerated in Wisconsin, cialis buy viagra I think Sheriff Clarke would serve all of us much better as Governor.
January 31st, 2007
On NPR this weekend, viagra sale troche a newscaster asked the audience to think of someone they knew in their own lives who might make a good President of the United States.
The exercise scared the POTUS out of me.
I don’t know a single soul that I would trust to be comptroller of Wauwatosa, nurse Wisconsin let alone run the most powerful country on the planet.
In fact, the better I knew someone the less qualified they seemed to be to hold office.
Then I realized there was one person I had met who might possibly barely qualify to be President: Harvard-trained lawyer Rick Essenberg who blogs regularly at Shark & Shepherd.
Rick seems wickedly smart, well-informed, well-spoken, and diplomatic even in disagreement.
Maybe if I knew Rick better the mere thought of giving him the power to send the F.B.I. after me would have me hiding in a closet wearing one of J. Edgar Hoover’s old dresses, but the sad truth is I know no one better to suggest for the job.
And if a shark is going to sit in the Oval Office, I’d rather have it be one who also had the soul of a shepherd.
January 29th, 2007
How long after we finally leave Iraq will the media continue to report the daily death toll there?
January 23rd, 2007
I want it to be unthinkable.
January 22nd, 2007
…is apparently making a comeback.
Just in time to pay for the medical treatment of druken morons who crash through hotel windows and fall 17 stories.
Yeah, cialis generic sildenafil I want to pay higher taxes to take care of him. Sign me up.
January 21st, 2007
I do everything I’m supposed to do.
I pay my taxes.
I pay my health insurance.
And, sildenafil prescription soon, ailment if Senator Kennedy gets his way I’ll pay more taxes to pay for other people’s health insurance because they can’t (or won’t) pay for their own.
Government almost always makes me feel like the “good” son. I do everything I’m supposed to, but it’s the prodigal son who gets the rewards.
I am the middle class and no political party is on my side.
When Republicans are in power, they only want to do things that primarily benefit the haves.
When the Democrats are up, they only want to do things that benefit the have nots.
Which is why both sides must keep taxing the middle class to the point where they may as well just call us the “hads.”
I’m sick of being the packhorse.
I’m sick of working for everyone else.
I’m sick of politicians spending MY money to take care of the people who vote for THEM.
Unfortunately, there is no one I can vote for who can ever do anything for me.
My only chance is to get rich enough that the Republicans will represent my interests or wait until the Democrats’ policies impoverish me so much that I’ll finally qualify for all the freebies they give to everyone else.
January 10th, 2007
During the elections, buy viagra order most Democrats strenously objected to being characterized as wanting to “cut and run” from Iraq.
They protested that they only wanted a “new direction.”
But now that George Bush is about to offer a new direction that involves throwing more troops at the problem, sildenafil seek the Democrats are showing their true colors…which are, order of course, yellow.
“Pelosi suggested that anything short of a White House proposal to quickly
begin sizable cuts in U.S. troop strength in Iraq would be rejected in Congress”
Sounds pretty much like cutting and running to me.
January 8th, 2007
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel columnist Eugene Kane wants to know what conservative commentators might say about a Texas pizza chain allowing customers to pay for their pizzas in Pesos.
How ’bout:
It’s nice to see them bringing money into the country for a change.*
Seriously…most conservatives don’t hate other countries or people from other countries, discount cialis cialis we object to ILLEGAL immigration. Why is that difference so difficult to understand?
*In case you don’t get the joke, Mexican immigrants (both legal and illegal) are known for sending money BACK to Mexico.
January 8th, 2007
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