An interesting question about Barack.
The possibility that an ancestor of Presidential candidate
…does Barack owe himself reparations?
Add comment March 2nd, 2007
The possibility that an ancestor of Presidential candidate
…does Barack owe himself reparations?
Add comment March 2nd, 2007
6 to 4 in favor and rising.
Obama is right to worry.
Add comment March 2nd, 2007
Before the You can still find that sentiment in all these places: No Blood for Oil: US out of But I don’t see tanker-loads of oil docking in D.C. So, viagra generic ampoule if I can’t have my oil, I want to see an apology. Either from the “no blood for oil” nutcases, or from the Bush Administration for spending 100s of billions and STILL not getting me my oil. |
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Add comment March 2nd, 2007
I’m against abortion, buy viagra sovaldi sale so you might think I’d be in favor or states issuing “Choose Life” license plates.
But just because I like the message, best cialis nurse doesn’t mean I’m a fan of the messenger.
It’s not a State’s role to privilege one message over another.
Because people petition to get these messages adopted, it basically puts a State in the position of deciding which speech is acceptable and which is not.
That’s not a power I’m comfortable granting any government.
Add comment March 1st, 2007
…but they’re going to lose the war.
And while I could be speaking of the war on terror, discount viagra levitra I’m actually talking about the war they seem to care most about…the fight for hearts and minds here at home.
I think they’ll win that battle.
And while they’ll reap short-term political rewards, sick they’re also reinforcing their image as America’s official party of defeat.
In a few years, cialis we’ll again be hearing Democrats crying about how the electorate won’t take them seriously when it comes to defense.
But how can we take them seriously, when their answer to every setback is surrender?
It seems modern Democrats cannot be trusted to keep America safe.
They would rather win short-term electorial victories pandering to panic than achieve lasting victory by encouraging Americans to embrace courage.
11 comments February 26th, 2007
…would him reportedly tearing up at a speaking engagement at Marquette University have a negative effect on his campaign?
I mean, cialis health can you imagine Hillary crying at a speaking engagement (ignoring that fact that the tears would cause her clockwork insides to rust)?
Add comment February 23rd, 2007
USATODAY ran a very interesting story about the ridiculously sweet pension deals given to government workers:
“Supporters of government pensions say the decline in private pensions is the problem, cialis sale buy cialis not the generosity of public retirement plans. “Rather than lower the bar for public employees, here we need to stabilize retirement programs for everyone, remedy ” says Richard Ferlauto, director of pension and benefit policy for the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, a union with 1.4 million members.
He acknowledges public pensions are getting more scrutiny. “People want to know, ‘Why should you have more security than us?’ ” he says. “It’s pension envy.”
I suggest it’s less a case of “pension envy” than a realization that everyone not feeding from the government trough has to PAY for those government workers to enjoy their significantly better retirements.
And the rest of us don’t have the luxury of voting ourselves better pensions. Only the government has the ability to steal what it needs to meet its pension obligations (taxes).
Of course, lots of people argue that government employees deserve those golden pensions because they sacrifice more lucrative public-sector jobs by working for the governemnt.
Not true, according to USATODAY:
“Contrary to a widely held notion, the extra government benefits aren’t compensation for lower pay. Most government workers are paid more than private employees in similar jobs, and the wage gap is growing.
A typical full-time state or local government worker made $78,853 in wages and benefits in the third quarter of 2006, $25,771 more than a typical private-sector worker, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports. The difference was $7,604 in 2000. The compensation advantage holds true for all types of public workers, from teachers to laborers and managers. Better benefits for government workers is the biggest reason for the growing compensation gap.”
The bad news for government employees is that what the ballot box giveth, the ballot box can taketh away.
Eventually, voters will start realizing that our “ruling class” is living better off the sweat of our brow than we do. When that happens, I’ll feel a little bit sorry for the government union leader who expresses the equivalent of “let them eat cake.”
Add comment February 22nd, 2007
…but can someone explain to me what funding homeless programs has to do with interstate commerce?
I think I’m going to start using the Constitution as a placemat. It couldn’t be any less respectful of it than the way the Congress, buy cialis health the President, the press and the Supreme Court treat it.
1 comment February 20th, 2007
And once they succeed in taxing all the people who buy their own cars to pay for buses and trains they don’t use, discount viagra buy cialis they’ll do what the
Individuals in their own cars make lousy terrorist targets. A bus or train car packed full of folks is a terrorist’s treat. Just ask the citizens in England, Spain, Pakistan/India, and Israel if you have any doubts.
But lets not let logic get in the way:
Cars are evil!
Subways are salvation!
(Especially for the jihadists who would be happy to ride them all the way to martyrdom.)
6 comments February 19th, 2007