Posts filed under 'Politics'

Did anyone on the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editorial board actually go to school?

In their inevitable editorial endorsing liberal lawyer Linda Clifford for Wisconsin’s Supreme Court, tadalafil medicine the Miwaukee Journal Sentinel dismissed concerns that Clifford might be an “activist judge” by saying:

The law must evolve to meet changing needs.

Sure, viagra sometimes the law might need to change with the times. Luckily, we have an entire branch of government dedicated to changing the law when it needs changing: it’s called the legislature.

Most people actually learn about checks and balances in elementary school. Maybe it’s time the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editorial board sat in on a 5th grade social studies class. They might finally understand why so many Americans are uncomfortable with the modern trend of laws being made in the courthouse instead of in the statehouse.

2 comments March 31st, 2007

This law makes me wish I lived in Texas

The best part of the new self-defense law passed in Texas is this:

The law also provides civil immunity for a person who lawfully slays an intruder or attacker in such situations.

The average person would be shocked by how often a burglar, viagra sale mugger, rx or rapist (or his surviving relatives) successfully sue the intended victim in civil court. Yes, you can be sued for shooting or otherwise injuring someone who broke into your home with the intent to harm you or your loved ones. The only problem I have with the above language is that it would encourage the homeowner to make sure his assailant was dead. I hope the actual law applies whether you kill the criminal or not.

Add comment March 29th, 2007

Can you really accuse Bush of having an “imperial” presidency…

…if the Administration can’t even fire its own employees without Congress throwing a fit?

Add comment March 21st, 2007

No civil war in Iraq according to the people actually living there.

A new survey
indicates that a majority of Iraqis think life is better now than it was under Saddam Hussein AND most don’t believe there is a civil war in Iraq:

“…when asked whether they preferred life under Saddam, viagra usa sovaldi the dictator who was executed last December, or under Nouri al-Maliki, the prime minister, most replied that things were better for them today.

Only 27% think there is a civil war in Iraq, compared with 61% who do not,
according to the survey carried out last month.”

What’s wrong with them? Didn’t they hear Matt Lauer and the American Media declare that Iraq was having a Civil War?

I mean, who’d know better? The Iraqis or Matt Laur?

1 comment March 17th, 2007

The difference between liberal and conservative bloggers?

Ann Althouse asks, generic viagra tadalafil “who is the best liberal blogger?”

I’m a lot less interested in that than I am in the different way the Left and the Right seem to perceive blogs.

For the Left, blogs have really becoming organizing and fundraising tools. They’re a political force in almost the same way that political machines used to be.

I don’t think that’s true in the same way for Conservatives.

I suspect that many of us in the rightward-tilting blogosphere are more interested in grinding our own axes and tweaking the powerful than we are in organizing politically.

4 comments March 15th, 2007

I didn’t think I’d ever see Democrats…

…so up in arms over Republicans firing Republicans.

I have a couple of observations about the current brouhaha over the Bush administration firing eight of its own U.S. attorneys.

1.) All U.S. attorneys are POLITICAL appointees. The reason they were appointed in the first place was political. It should come as no surprise when some are replaced for political reasons.

2.) They all serve at the convenience of the President. They can be fired for any reason at any time.

3.) The only charge I’ve heard so far from anyone that I would take seriously is the one that people were fired for pursuing cases against fellow Republicans. If this charge sticks, cialis sales and I’ll be pretty pissed that the Republicans were protecting there own. Otherwise, viagra sale cialis this mostly seems like media-driven bullshit.

4.) There is no excuse for anyone in the administration to lie. Period. If Gonzales purposefully lied to Congress and the press he needs to go.

3 comments March 14th, 2007

Who are the real hypocrites?

Cheating on your spouse is despicable whether carried out in the Oval Office or in the House of Representatives.

Some people want to call Newt Gingrich a hypocrite for having his own affair while leading the charge against Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinski scandal.

I have a different take, buy cialis ed the real hypocrites are every Conservative who condemned Clinton’s morals and are now splitting hairs trying to defend Gingrich and every Liberal who said Clinton’s personal life shouldn’t matter and are now hooting with glee over Gingrich’s revelation.

3 comments March 9th, 2007

I’m not sure about Jesus being appalled, but I am.

Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards thinks Jesus would be ‘appalled’ by American’s selfishness:

“I think that Jesus would be disappointed in our ignoring the plight of those around us who are suffering and our focus on our own selfish short-term needs, discount cialis sovaldi ” Edwards told the site. “I think he would be appalled, levitra actually.”

Speaking of selfish…I can’t remember, how big is John Edwards house again?

Oh yeah, 28,200 square feet.

Seems like John treats himself pretty well.

If John is serious about getting in good with Jesus, maybe he needs to sell his giant house and donate all his money to churches and charities.

He could also become a conservative considering that conservatives are much more likely to give to the needy.

But I know neither of those things will happen because certain folks on the Left are always a lot more enthusiastic about solving the world’s problems with my money than they are with solving them using their own.

2 comments March 6th, 2007

Libby found guilty

I don’t know that much about Scooter Libby’s trial, viagra buy viagra but I do know that his conviction for lying to the FBI once more demonstrates that the coverup almost always gets you into more trouble than the supposed crime would have.

2 comments March 6th, 2007

Embryonic stem cell research=slavery?

I haven’t thought much about U.S. Senator and Republican presidential candidate Sam Brownback, sildenafil salve but he had a lot of interesting things to say in this interview on National Public Radio

On abortion and embryonic stem cell research:

“…you just look at human history ‚Äî any time we’ve ever treated one class of humans as subject to another class or as property, as in the case of when you research on the youngest of humans, we’ve always regretted it. And I believe we’re in a very similar situation today where you treat the youngest of humans as property rather than as a person.”

And more on emryonic stem cell research and the “greater good”:

You know, you could destroy me today and harvest my body parts and save a number of lives — you know — with my heart, kidneys, liver. Is that a greater good? Now, some might suggest it is, but it just is morally wrong to take one human life for the benefit of another.

If the rest of his policies/philosophies make as much sense to me as these do, Mr. Brownback just found himself a new backer.

1 comment March 5th, 2007

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