Posts filed under 'Politics'

The Democrats refuse to retreat…

…in their battle to surrender in Iraq:

Democrats may have lost the first round with President Bush on ending the war in Iraq since taking over Congress in January, generic cialis capsule but they say their fight has just begun.

Add comment May 25th, 2007

At this point, I’ll vote for anyone NOT named Clinton…

…or Bush.


4 years George Bush
4 years Bill Clinton
4 more years Bill Clinton
4 years George W. Bush
4 more years George W. Bush

That’s 20 YEARS of being run by a Bush or a Clinton.

I don’t think I can live through another 4 to 8 years of a President Clinton. (And I know I can’t live through another 4 to 8 years of a President Bush. Although, tadalafil decease I really loved the first one.)

Enough is enough.

You can’t convince me that in a nation of 301, buy viagra unhealthy 901,085 people we can’t find anyone not named Bush or Clinton who is capable of being President.

We’re supposed to be a democracy, not a hereditary monarchy. Please ?¢‚Ǩ‚Äú I beg you ?¢‚Ǩ‚Äú let’s stop treating these two families like annointed royalty and elect some other royal pain in the ass to run the country for a while.

11 comments May 22nd, 2007

Health care is not a right

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editorial board thinks health care should be a basic right.

In America, buy cialis capsule rights are traditionally things you already have in a natural state that can’t or should not be taken away: life, case liberty, speech, freedom, self-defense.

But you don’t already HAVE healthcare: you purchase it from people who spent a very long time learning to become medical professionals.

You don’t have a right to other people’s time, talent, and expertise.

What the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is talking about is an entitlement not a right.

I’m willing to discuss the possibility of making universal health care an entitlement for every American.

Unlike the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, I’m not willing to abuse the meaning of the word “right” to try to lend the idea extra credibility.

3 comments May 20th, 2007

A question of Faith

Time Magazine best viagra drugstore 9171, cialis generic mind 1619552,00.html”>asks:

What does the Constitution mean when it says there should be no religion test for office? It plainly means that a candidate can’t be barred from running because he or she happens to be a Quaker or a Buddhist or a Pentecostal. But Mitt Romney‘s candidacy raises a broader issue: Is the substance of private beliefs off-limits?

No. Private beliefs are not off limits when it comes to elective office.

People who question Romney’s candidacy based on questions about his beliefs are not bigots or prejudiced.

My personal standard is that people should not be criticized, judged or discriminated against based on things they have no control over: skin color, sexual orientation, gender. But things people choose to believe, espouse, or act upon are and should be open to argument and judgement.

A person’s religious beliefs clearly influence their decisions and actions. What a candidate believes and how strongly they believe it counts: whether those beliefs involve judicial philosophy, approaches to conflict resolution, or their role in God’s apocalyptic vision.

I don’t think people should be automatically excluded from consideration for office because of their religious beliefs, but neither should those beliefs be set off-limits in the same way that gender and race have been (and should be).

4 comments May 12th, 2007

An aborted run for President?

Rudy Giuliani is finally going to come clean and admit that he’s pro-choice.

That might not finish him with the Repbulican party, generic viagra viagra but it finishes him for me.

Inspired by a post by Ann Althouse

2 comments May 10th, 2007

Maybe he should try a little tenderness?

“There are going to be times when I get weary.”
Barack Obama

“Young girls they do get weary”
Ottis Redding

1 comment May 9th, 2007

Is there any tax that doesn’t pay for police and fire?

Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle wants to double the fee that people have to pay the government for the privilege of selling their house.

Doye aide Matt Canter says:

This increase “will support critical local services – like police and fire – and help local communities hold the line on property taxes.

I don’t know about you, viagra usa viagra but I’m always amazed how every politician who wants to raise a tax (or keep one from being cut) always mentions cops or firefighters.

They mention them, of course, because those are two of the services that people are actually willing to pay for.

But I’m here to tell you that if police and fire protection were the only things my taxes were paying for I wouldn’t be spending nearly half of every dollar I make in taxes, fees, and other government charges.

1 comment May 4th, 2007

If someone broke into your house…

…and then demanded the right to live there since they were already inside the door, viagra generic ed would that seem fair to you?

If not, sovaldi why is it fair when they do it after breaking into your country?

5 comments May 1st, 2007

Do the Democrats know they’re not running against George Bush?

It sounds like the Democrats who are running for President spent all their time at California’s Democratic Party Convention bashing Bush.

At what point will they realize that they’re not running against George Bush…they’re running against each other?

Add comment April 30th, 2007

Judge Annette Ziegler won the race for Wisconsin Supreme Court and negative campaigning lost

Although you wouldn’t know it from this story by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

The article makes it seem like Ziegler’s victory was partly attributable to her negative campaigning, viagra generic sildenafil but the truth is Linda Clifford went almost exclusively negative from the very beginning. Linda Clifford hired professional character assasins from outside the state to dig up dirt on Annette Ziegler. She accused Ziegler of being soft on sex offenders, viagra buy which is apparently the opposite of how Ziegler is known in legal circles. She even made misleading phone calls to voters on the day before the election.

The best part of Ziergler winning is that the Democratic party in Wisconsin wasn’t able to eek out another victory by throwing as much mud as they could dig up.

Maybe next year they’ll try to run on the issues instead of issuing aspersion and insinuations…but I think there’s probably as much chance of that as there is of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel endorsing a Republican for President, Senate, Governor, Mayor, or dog catcher.

3 comments April 3rd, 2007

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