Posts filed under 'Politics'
That’s why most politicians love spending your money.
(It’s also why corporate boards pay CEO’s indefensibly high salaries, sildenafil there but that’s a post for another day.)
So my solution?
Have politicians spend their own money.
Every time a politician votes for a tax or fee increase, rx we automatically reduce their income by the same percentage.
(If they double a tax, troche we fine them half their total income for the year.)
On the other hand, every time they vote for a tax cut we’ll cut them a check.
My guess is that most politicians will be a lot tighter with a nickel when that nickel is coming out of their own pockets.
June 18th, 2007
You shouldn’t have to prove that you really are who you say you are in order to vote.
Felons should be able to vote.
Illegal immigrants should be able to vote.
The easily befuddled and confused should be able to vote.
And the reason, viagra buy here they want to make sure they all can vote?
Basically because, cialis generic shop criminals and the easily confused vote overwhelmingly for Democrats.
June 13th, 2007
A Milwaukee Journal Sentinel story about another new process that seems to make it possible to create stem cells without destroying fetuses asks if this is:
An end to stem cell debate?
Or course it’s not. That’s because the stem cell debate was never about science or medicine, cialis generic ampoule it was always about politics.
Pro-lifers and pro-choicers alike know that once people begin getting an actual (marketable) benefit from killing fetuses and using them for medicine, cure there’s no going back.
After all, order a sick Michael J. Fox is a lot more sympathetic than an invisible and voiceless human in a test tube.
My guess is this debate will be going on long after the science has made the question moot. It’s in the interest of the pro-choice community to keep it going as long as possible.
June 7th, 2007
1.) The cost of health care.
2.) Anything associated with the government.
Somehow, cialis usa healing I suspect putting the second in charge of the first isn’t going to help matters any.
June 6th, 2007
Let me start by saying I think there’s a snowball’s chance that the Republicans will keep the Whitehouse.
That said, viagra generic cialis I find it fascinating that two of the better Leftie bloggers in the Cheddarsphere are already sharpening their knives and going after Republican phantom-presidential-candidate Fred Thompson.
Grumps at The Happy Circumstance thinks Fred looks like Veg-O-Matic inventer Ron Popeil.
Jay of folkbum’s rambles and rants has a couple of posts about Fred including dismissing Fred as just an actor.
And left-leaning newsmagazine Newsweek wants us to know that Fred Thomspon is lazy.
To me, ask that’s a sign that at least some folks on the Left are a little worried that Fred might enter the race…and that’s a good enough reason for me to hope that he does.
June 5th, 2007
Has anyone else noticed that you hardly ever hear about Hillary Rodham Clinton anymore?
We hear about Senator Clinton. Or Hillary Clinton. But the “Rodham” seems to be missing in action.
Even Ms. Clinton’s web site is just
I wonder if some consultant convinced the Clinton campaign that common people don’t keep their maiden name.
Or maybe they finally noticed that the only famous people known by all three of their names are more than a little bit crazy?
June 5th, 2007
After all, buy viagra look anyone willing to sell their vote for $5 probably would have voted for a Democrat anyway.
June 1st, 2007
Very soon after the Democrats and Republicans pick their candidates for President, sildenafil viagra the media will begin describing the Democrat as thoughtful, knowledgeable about policy, and maybe even wonkish and the Republican candidate as an intellectual lightweight, subject to gaffes, and maybe even actively stupid.
May 31st, 2007
That’s what Mlwaukee Alderman Michael McGee‘s supporters will say about him being arrested on extortion and bribery charges.
Even if they believed the charges were true, cialis buy cialis they would still support him.
And, when it come’s right down to it, that’s the real the crime.
May 29th, 2007
…do you think some of the indians were in favor of offering them a cialis canada sildenafil 0, generic viagra case 3804885.story?coll=la-home-center”>guest worker program?
May 25th, 2007
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