I’m surprised that I haven’t seen more liberal bloggers…
…wondering if the real purpose of
5 comments July 20th, 2007
…wondering if the real purpose of
5 comments July 20th, 2007
No argument there.
But when the
7 comments July 19th, 2007
…because I figure I’m going to need someplace to shelter me from the hideous fallout if the Democrats control both houses of Congress AND the White House after the next election.
2 comments July 16th, 2007
As a prelude to putting socialism back on America’s plate, viagra canada find The New York Times quotes Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio as saying the reason the Democrats won the last set of Congressional elections was:
“….because of the economic populist message. They (the voters) voted minimum wage, they voted trade, they voted student loans, they voted health care and prescription drugs, over what their traditional conservative social values might suggest. And that’s the route to winning Ohio for Hillary or Barack or anybody else.”
That’s funny, up until now the Democrats have been saying that particular election was about the Iraq war.
I guess, from now on, it’s going to be about whatever they need it to be about.
Next up, “it was about universal health coverage.”
Add comment July 15th, 2007
…instead of doctors.
After all, viagra capsule lawyers make their money from the law. Politicians make laws. So the more laws politicians make, sovaldi sale the more money lawyers make. It’s a convenient and unhealthy circularity.
Doctors, on the other hand, are guided by the principle primum no nocere (“first do no harm”).
How much better off would society be (and how many fewer laws would we have to live with), if politicians adopted this simple rule as their guide?
Add comment July 3rd, 2007
But I’m getting sick of hearing people act like the guy got off scott-free. He was still convicted, buy cialis healing he’ll still be on probation, he’ll probably never be able to practice law again AND he still has to pay the $250,000 fine.
Let those among you who even HAVE $250,000 to pay a fine like that be among the first to throw stones.
4 comments July 3rd, 2007
Syndicated columnist Robyn Blumner thinks the conservative Justices on the Supreme Court are “mean.”
“The Roberts Court in its short tenure already has earned the moniker “mean.”
The addition of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito to the heartless duo of Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas has cemented a plurality for cruelty. If there’s a choice between casting a lot for the little guy, viagra usa drugstore tipping a case toward compassion or putting a foot on his throat, viagra buy site it’s a safe bet that these four will be getting out their jackboots.”
The real reason she thinks they’re “mean” is that they care more about the actual “meaning” of the Constitution than the do about finding new rights in the Constitution so that it can “mean” what she wants it to mean:
The truth is, the Constitution is a harsh mistress. It protects our right to say nasty things to each other. It protects our right to believe and worship things others might find objectionable. It does not guarantee equality of outcome, only equality before the law.
Thank God, we have a few justices on the Supreme Court who still understand that the Constitution is about the greater good, not just feeling good.
3 comments June 28th, 2007
I DEMAND that the Fairness Doctrine be immediately reinstated and applied to…
…documentary films.
After all, best cialis viagra sale liberal voices absolutely dominate the documentary film market:
The fact that almost all documentaries are liberal can only be evidence that conservative documentaries are being unfairly repressed by the Documentary-Industrial Complex.
The solution?
For every documentary with a ridiculously left-wing bent, help the movie’s producers should have to pay to make a second documentary from a conservative point of view.
This might seem to be an attack on free speech, but it’s really an exercise in fair speech.
And if fewer (or no more) liberal documentaries get made as a result of reinstating the
2 comments June 22nd, 2007
So basically, viagra sales here
“The strategy I propose would ask the oil companies that have experienced these amazing profits to either reinvest them in our energy future to reduce our dependence on oil…”
In other words, buy cialis prescription she wants oil companies to pay to put themselves out of business.
Now, that’s what I call the American way.
Add comment June 21st, 2007