Posts filed under 'Politics'

I’m absolutely terrified of this case

The Supreme Court is likely to review an appeals court decision that struck down the District of Columbia’s gun ban and asserted an individual right to keep and bear arms.

I, buy cialis cialis of course, viagra sale there completely agree with the appellate court.

But in my heart, I know the Supreme Court that was able to find an invisible right to abortion in the Constitution is just as capable of blinding itself to the clearly visible right to keep and bear arms.

I’d like to have faith that for once an agent of the United States’ government would actually protect my rights, but I’m too old and experienced to believe that.

Add comment September 5th, 2007

Newsweek? Or weeks old news?

A few months ago, viagra generic stuff I pointed out that Newsweek Magazine was already trying to paint Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson as lazy.

Well, once wasn’t enough for Newsweek.

They basically ran a more extensive version of the same attack as this week’s cover story.

I suppose it’s better than the usual “he’s not so bright” trope they trot out against most Republican candidates.

But if they consider Fred Thompson to be lazy, I wonder what they would think of a news magazine that was too feckless to bother digging up a new angle on a presidential candidate after three months?

Add comment September 5th, 2007

This weekend, I realized why Liberals believe so strongly in gun control

It’s because sometimes the urge to shoot one can be overwhelming. ;)

Add comment September 4th, 2007

Republican’s are better at fighting poverty?

The poverty rate apparently dropped from 12.6 percent to 12.3 percent in the last year.

Add comment August 28th, 2007

Why there’s no such thing as “bipartisan”

A conservative sees the news that Wisconsin experienced the fifth lowest job growth in the country and thinks, best viagra see “we should lower taxes and reduce regulation to encourage more companies to come here.”

A liberal sees the same news and thinks, prescription “we need a new jobs program.”

Add comment August 17th, 2007

I’m going to work twice as hard on 9/11

Certain idiots are talking about holding a General Strike on 9/11/07 to protest…well, best cialis purchase whatever you want to protest: torture, buy viagra cure surveillance, corporate media, George Bush’s tyranny… pretty much everything EXCEPT the Islamic fascism that actually motivated the attacks on 9/11.

Personally, I’m going to go to work and be twice as productive to make up for these idiots (except for the moment of silence I’ll observe to honor the real victims of 9/11).

2 comments August 13th, 2007

Don’t Democrats believe in Affirmative Action?

Sure Clinton is leading Obama in the polls by around 20 points, viagra generic sick but is that before or after Barack gets his extra points for being black?

That is how Affirmative Action works, right?

2 comments August 7th, 2007

Quit your caterwauling for Christ’s sake

If you do a search of my archives, viagra sale illness you’ll discover I’m no fan of George W. Bush.

I was never thrilled about the war in Iraq. Having a Department of “Homeland Security” creeps me out. And I think terrorism should be treated as a crime not a global conflict.

But I am sick to death of the apocalyptic bleating from the folks on the Left.

Over the last eight years, cialis sales America didn’t turn into Amerika.

American citizens are not being dragged off to the gulag.

The NSA is not peeking in through your windows.

George Bush, discount Dick Cheney, and Karl Rove are not Hitler, Himmler, and Goering reincarnated.

If you ever want the rest of us to take you seriously, ratchet down the rhetoric and re-enter reality.

George Bush will be gone soon enough and – odds are – it will be the Right’s turn to squall about Hurricane Hillary and the Democratic-lead decline of democracy.

6 comments August 2nd, 2007

I have a question for and the DailyKos:

Since when are liberals in the business of trying to suppress speech they don’t agree with?

21 comments July 27th, 2007

Minimum wage or maximum stupidity?

Last night’s Democratic debate on CNN featured questions submitted by regular people via youtube. One of the questions (embedded below) was whether the politicians would be willing to work as President for three years at the minimum wage.

To me, cialis sales unhealthy this displays a shocking misunderstanding of economics.

The minimum wage isn’t some sort of punishment. People are paid the minimum wage when they do jobs that almost anybody could do. It does not take a graduate degree to stack boxes or work at a checkout. (Hell, sildenafil stuff you don’t even need to know how to make change anymore. The machine does it for you.) Because nearly anyone can fill a minimum-wage position, the person doing that job has no leverage to ask for more money.

All evidence to the contrary, being President of the United States is not something that anyone who can bag groceries could pull off.

Maybe some people would be happy with a President who was only worth the minimum wage, but personally I don’t want fries with my executive orders.

4 comments July 24th, 2007

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