Posts filed under 'Politics'


In a story about Hillary Clinton’s proposed universal health plan, cialis sales malady a reporter wrote:

Clinton laid out her proposal, click with the centerpiece a so-called “individual mandate,” requiring everyone to have health insurance – just as most states require drivers to purchase auto insurance.

Yes, but when people refuse to buy car insurance (which they do) we don’t give it to them anyway.

2 comments September 17th, 2007

Everyone always says they want bipartisanship…

…but when you actually act in a bipartisan manner by choosing a more moderate candidate for Attorney General, cialis malady you’re called weak:

Bush critics see the Mukasey nomination as evidence of Bush’s weakened political clout as he heads into the final 15 months of his presidency.”

(By the way, I don’t believe in bipartisanship. People vote for the different parties for a reason. If both parties are going to cooperate and do the same thing, what’s the point of even having two parties?)

Add comment September 16th, 2007

Be careful what you wish for

What cracks me up most about the Left’s continuing and urgent desire to abandon Iraq is that if the Bush Administration actually brought all the troops home tomorrow, cialis generic viagra sale the Democrats‘ chances of winning the White House in 2008 would drop from virtually certain to just so-so.

3 comments September 13th, 2007

Where’s Consumer Reports when we need them?

I know how well the presidential candidates are running, viagra tadalafil but I have no idea what they stand for.

Why can’t someone in the media do a series of stories comparing each candidate’s stances on the major issues?

One week it could be immigration. The next healthcare. The next is Social Security. (Remember Social Security, viagra generic people? That looming problem didn’t just go away.)

We use comparison charts when we buy new stereos. Why not use them when we’re about the buy something else we’re going to have to listen to for at least four years?

1 comment September 12th, 2007

Whether it’s true or not…

…that Republican Sen. David Vitter slept with a prostitute, viagra generic illness I think it’s sort of frightening that I’m relieved that the prostitute was a woman.

6 comments September 11th, 2007

Apparently, I’m with Fred

At least, buy cialis treat according to an issues quiz at Politalk.

Of course, best cialis case what I think says a lot more about me is that the candidate I supposedly agree the most with I STILL only agree with 73% of the time.

unhealthy 0,0,0″ classid=”clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000″>

6 comments September 11th, 2007

It’s September 11 and I’m thinking about how the property at Ground Zero…

…was called “too valuable” to be left empty as a memorial for the victims of that day.

I still feel like it’s too valuable to be used as just another expensive New York office building.

It should have been turned into a park.

1 comment September 11th, 2007

Medicaid payment cuts of 35% possible

Question: Why would you have to cut Medicaid payments by 35% if you’re still getting exactly as much money as you’ve been spending?

Oh, generic viagra salve wait. Because by threatening to do so and blaming it on the Wisconsin budget impasse, cialis you scare old people and work America’s most reliable voters up into a phone-calling political frenzy.

Nicely played, Darth Doyle. Nicely played, indeed.

Add comment September 10th, 2007

Ask not what your country can do for you…

…but just as importantly, viagra sale order ask not what you can do for your country.

Time Magazine is generic viagra sildenafil 9171,1657799,00.html”>urging forced national service a month or two after Newsweek also advocated it.

I know a lot of my readers will disagree, but I think forced national service is tantamount to indentured servitude.

I don’t exist to serve my country, my country exists to serve me.

I’m basically a libertarian. I think the government that governs least governs best and you certainly don’t govern least by temporarily enslaving your citizens.

2 comments September 7th, 2007

Starve the beast

I wonder if I’m the only one who cackles evilly every time I hear that the state of Wisconsin still doesn’t have a budget.

Starve, discount viagra online you bloated monster! Starve!

(Insert gleeful, maniacal laughter here.)

3 comments September 5th, 2007

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