Posts filed under 'Politics'

You want to see something really scary?

Milwaukee will have some pretty frightening Haunted Houses this Halloween, viagra canada cialis cialis but the scariest two Houses in Wisconsin will still be in Madison. ;)

5 comments October 19th, 2007

It isn’t the guns

I found the following quote in a Newsweek story about the recent school shooting in Cleveland:

“Let’s get real about this: the problem is guns, cialis usa cialis ” says Dr. Jeffrey Claridge, order the trauma surgeon who operated on Grassie. “If he had a knife, he wouldn’t have been able to do the damage he did so quickly.”

That’s true, he probably wouldn’t have been as dangerous to as many people with a knife…

…but denied a gun he could have easily made a bomb.

And IEDs have killed way more people in Iraq than guns have.

Let’s get real about this: it’s not the guns. It’s the people who use them.

8 comments October 15th, 2007

Another one for the Liberals

Despite what George Bush may think, viagra sales thumb treatment the President of the United States is not above the law.

(Signing statements, my ass.)

4 comments October 15th, 2007

I’ve been picking on the Liberals pretty hard lately…

…so here’s a freebie:

Real American’s don’t torture prisoners. Period.

12 comments October 14th, 2007

There is so much illegal immigration…

…that there are actually discount airlines in Mexico that make most of their money flying illegals to the U.S. border.

Meanwhile, cialis generic treat even the tiniest efforts to fly in the face of illegal immigration crash and burn.

Add comment October 13th, 2007

The most revealing thing I’ve read today:

An editorial in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel contains the line:

The Legislature was elected to create a spending plan for the state.


Legislatures are elected to govern.

Sometimes that involves spending money.

The evil assumption that spending money is government’s main purpose is one of the reasons why big government and its many accomplices must be resisted at every turn.

4 comments October 13th, 2007

Howard Zinnsane

I just heard Howard Zinn on WPR and a person with his ideas could only work in academia.

Add comment October 12th, 2007

The best criticism of the Nobel Peace Prize I’ve ever read…

…can be found at the Still Spinnin’ Blog.

In part, best viagra medicine it reads:

“…in 1990, cialis Mikhail Gorbachev won the Nobel peace prize for “helping to bring the Cold War to an end.” Uhm…. He helped bring the war to an end the same way the Brewers helped get the Cubs into the playoffs. He LOST the Cold War. The person that WON the Cold War, that brought actual peace to the world, was Ronald Reagan. Yet Ronald Reagan was not nominated.”

Add comment October 10th, 2007

Another difference between Liberals and Conservatives

The comment thread on this post at The World According to Nick demonstrates something I’ve often thought:

Liberals believe the world can be made safe via more gun laws, viagra viagra more psychiatry, best cialis shop more helmets, and more restrictions. Eventually, they’ll legislate danger out of existence.

Conservatives know that the world cannot be made completely safe and thus resent and resist limitations on their freedoms made in the name of reducing risk.

(Smart Liberals like my friends Jay, Capper, or Grumps, will try to point out that my last statement isn’t true when it comes to national security. But I respond by pointing out that Conservatives don’t think that warrantless wiretaps are restrictions on their freedom.)

5 comments October 9th, 2007

Sounds fair to me

In an editorial in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel urging Wisconsin to allow teachers in higher education to form unions, viagra sale here the editorial board points out that police, fire fighters and regular teachers in the state already enjoy that right.
I’m all in favor of consistency.

And, in the interest of the public good, I suggest we just strip the police, fire fighters and regular teachers of their right to organize.

1 comment October 8th, 2007

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