Posts filed under 'Politics'

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel asks: “Are you politically smarter than a college student?”

I found this quote in a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel story about college students and politics:

More than half of people ages 15 to 25 didn’t know that only citizens can vote in the United States.

That’s OK, cialis sales sickness neither do the Democrats. ;)

5 comments November 14th, 2007

Just a reminder to all my friends in the Cheddarsphere


…is what government repression really looks like.

4 comments November 5th, 2007

In the future, political battles won’t be between the haves and the have-nots…

….but between those who live off the government and those the government lives off of.

2 comments November 1st, 2007

Government (lack of) response

On July 25th, cialis sale click a friend of mine sent an email request to his two state representatives:

Representative Leah Vukmir(R)

Senator Jim Sullivan(D)

On July 26, click he received this form email from Senator Sullivan:

Thank you for your recent email. I appreciate your taking the time to
let me know your thoughts, comments and questions.

I wanted to acknowledge that I received your email and I will be
responding to your concern shortly. If you live in the 5th Senate
District please email me your address so that we can respond faster.

Thank you again for contacting my office. If you need assistance with
any other state issue please do not hesitate contacting me or my office


Jim Sullivan
State Senator
5th Senate District

My friend has yet to receive a substantive response from either of his representatives.

It’s nice to know that, in Wisconsin, ignoring constituents is a bipartisan activity.

2 comments November 1st, 2007

Let’s Pretend We’re Serious About Electing a President – Part 1: Experience

The branch of government that the President presides over is called the Administrative.

So which of the major candidates have experience administrating?




Mitt Romney

Governor of Mass.

Mike Huckabee

Governor of Arkansas

“Rudy” Giuliani

Mayor of New York

Fred Thompson

U.S. Senator

John McCain

U.S. Senator

Ron Paul

U.S. Congressman

Bill Richardson

Governor of New Mexico

U.S. Congressman

Hillary Rodham Clinton

U.S. Senator

First Lady

Barack Obama

U.S. Senator

John Edwards

U.S. Senator

So based on experience as an administrator, cialis buy try I think we can only seriously consider Mitt Romney, generic viagra nurse Mike Huckabee, Rudy Giuliani, Bill Richardson, and Hillary Clinton (I know Hillary was only First Lady, but of the entire group she’s the only one who has actually seen what it’s like to be President close up and personal.)

Next up: Iraq.

8 comments November 1st, 2007

I was watching the documentary The War on TIVO, tonight

And I was reminded that after Pearl Harbor one of the Democrats’ sainted presidents, viagra sale and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, viagra imprisoned 120,000 U.S. citizens of Japanese descent.

Remind me again, after 9/11, George Bush (whom the Democrats paint as the greatest enemy of American civil rights we’ve ever seen) imprisoned how many Americans?

7 comments October 26th, 2007

Replacing a woman with a MAN!

Isn’t this sexist?

Add comment October 24th, 2007

Here’s a chance for my Conservative friends to yell at me

I’m in favor of the DREAM Act.

6 comments October 24th, 2007

I’m trying to prepare myself for the Clinton-Obama era…

…I honestly just don’t think any of these jokers can beat that combination and I’m pretty sure that’s what they’ll be facing in ’08.

8 comments October 22nd, 2007

With friends like these.

The one major new tax Democrats managed to insert into the Wisconsin State Budget is the $1 increase in the cigarette tax–a tax that falls disproportionately on the poor and the less educated.

In other words, viagra buy look the people who are paying most for the Democrats being in power are the people the Democrats were supposedly elected to help.

1 comment October 20th, 2007

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