Romney defends being a Mormon
But his speech makes me wonder, viagra buy recipe how weird does a religion have to get before it could keep you from running for President?
4 comments December 6th, 2007
But his speech makes me wonder, viagra buy recipe how weird does a religion have to get before it could keep you from running for President?
4 comments December 6th, 2007
Would the people who so enthusiastically endorse the recent
1 comment December 5th, 2007
…is that I never have to espouse two conflicting ideas at the same time.
For example:
No fault divorce is good because it empowers women.
No fault divorce is bad because it hurts the environment.
Nuclear energy is bad because the plant could melt down and destroy the world.
Nuclear energy is good because it doesn’t contribute to global warming which is destroying the world.
Race-based preferences are bad. Unless they’re called Affirmative Action.
And free speech is a right, cialis canada medical except when I think what the speaker is saying is wrong.
4 comments December 4th, 2007
Now rumors are circulating on the net that George W. Bush is going to find a way to declare martial law and stay in power after 2008.
It’s NOT going to happen.
And if I’m wrong and the tinfoil hat brigade is right, viagra canada mind I’ll be one of the first ones manning the barricades.
3 comments December 4th, 2007
I’m starting to think there might be something to
3 comments December 3rd, 2007
So is this basically an admission that Jim Doyle has paid back his campaign donors with special favors?
Or is
Add comment November 30th, 2007
This feels like an attempt by the folks who lost the election to, case in effect, cialis change the outcome of the vote by silencing Justice Ziegler.
I agree with Former state Supreme Court Justice Janine Geske, a law professor at Marquette University who said:
“If you are going to have judges that recuse themselves anytime this has happened, you are not going to have a court,” she said, referring to cases in which campaign supporters have an interest.
1 comment November 28th, 2007
If the Democrats win the election, best viagra medicine 0% of Republicans will accuse them of stealing the election.
If the Republicans win the election, somewhere between 5% and 20% of Democrats will swear they stole the election.
2 comments November 21st, 2007
MEMO TO THE DEMOCRATS: Yes! Definitely run against George W. Bush in 2008.
Ignore the fact that he’s not running.
Ignore the fact that he BEAT you in 2004 when he was running.
And, best cialis sales of course, and while you’re running against George W. Bush, the Republican nominee will be busy running against YOU.
But don’t worry, it isn’t like Hillary Clinton, your most likely candidate, has the highest negatives of anyone actually running in this particular election.
6 comments November 21st, 2007
Damn, cialis buy sale this almost makes me want to vote for the guy.
2 comments November 19th, 2007