Posts filed under 'Politics'

I’m sorry, what Obama’s pastor said was not OKKK.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel columnist Eugene Kane defends Barack Obama‘s pastor Jeremiah Wright by writing:

People who have never attended a black church don’t understand a black preacher’s use of hyperbole – even outrageous hyperbole – to make a point.

I never had to attend a KKK rally to recognize unmitigated white supremacist BS when I hear it and I don’t need to attend a black church to understand I disagree with a man who says “God Damn America” and that 9/11 was our fault.

Add comment March 18th, 2008

I listen to liberal talk radio and conservative talk radio

And I’ve noticed that on conservative talk radio the hosts love to hear themselves talk, viagra sale check but on liberal talk radio it’s the callers who don’t know when to shut the hell up.

Add comment March 17th, 2008

Hillary Clinton…

backs revote plan in Michigan and Barack Obama better, cialis generic drugstore too.

If Obama fights a revote in Michigan and they DO revote, cialis sales ed I guarantee the voters will punish him for trying to silence their voices.

But if he backs a do-over, recipe Detroit alone will probably keep Clinton from seeing any real gain from Michigan.

Add comment March 15th, 2008

What price free speech? $25, apparently.

According to this Milwaukee Journal Sentinel story:

State law requires that anyone who spends more than $25 to advocate for or against a referendum or political candidate must register with the school district at issue and identify oneself and the stance being advocated, cialis sale buy viagra among other things.

So my POLITICAL speech becomes subject to government scrutiny as soon as I spend $25 on it?

My time is usually billed at around $150 an hour. So if I spend 10 minutes writing a post against a school referendum do I have to REGISTER with the government?

Good God, why do we have a First Amendment again?

4 comments March 14th, 2008

Purple state, my butt

Wisconsin had the 8th most liberal Democratic delegation in the House, viagra canada for sale after Massachusetts, sovaldi sale New Jersey, try Rhode Island, Hawaii, California, Maryland and Vermont. 

4 comments March 11th, 2008

I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

I’m really sick of hearing the word “momentum” used in reference to the Democrat’s primary race.

Guys, viagra buy store it’s not momentum if it switches every two freaking weeks.

1 comment March 10th, 2008

The Plan?

So, viagra usa malady listening to NPR‘s This American Life, cialis generic I heard about “The Plan“: 

“American cities have gone through a massive wave of gentrification in the last few decades. To some people, it’s not a natural ebb and flow of the real estate market, but a plot, by rich, mainly white people, to take over the neighborhoods of poor, mainly black people. This American Life producer Jon Jeter reports on how, in neighborhoods all over the country, the plot has a name, “The Plan,” and most people you talk to know about it.”  

Now, I’m really confused.

Which am I supposed to feel guilty about: white flight or gentrification?

(As a side note: why am I never invited to the White Person Conspiracy meetings? Did I forget to pay my dues or something?) 

5 comments March 6th, 2008

Ding, dong, the witch’s not dead

What’s it gonna take to put a stake through  Hillary Clinton?

Add comment March 5th, 2008

Who needs a keyboard when you have a Penn?

Everything you need to know about the 2nd Amendment:

Shamelessly stolen from The Breda Fallacy

2 comments March 4th, 2008

Why are people who are in favor of waiting periods and showing IDs to buy a gun…

…against getting rid of same day registration and requiring that people show an ID to vote?

(After all, viagra usa stuff I think history has shown that a ballot can be just as dangerous as a bullet.)

1 comment March 3rd, 2008

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