Posts filed under 'Politics'
…is that sometimes it can be pretty damn hard to identify what your identity is.
In an increasingly multi-ethnic society, tadalafil diagnosis maybe it’s time to drop demands and expectations based on antique racial grievances and tribal resentments.
March 31st, 2008
…that almost 60% of local races only have one person running.
I’ll be even happier when those 60% have no one running. ;)
March 29th, 2008
…is one semester from finishing his college education, generic cialis physician his challenger Lena Taylor has been trying to imply that her education makes her better qualified. According to this story in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
At the forums, discount viagra one subtle but persistent theme from Taylor has been to suggest her own educational background makes her more qualified for the job than Walker.
Taylor has a law degree from Southern Illinois University. Walker left Marquette University about a semester before graduation for a full-time job.On Wednesday, at least three times Taylor noted she has a college degree. At the Marquette debate, she mentioned her degrees before stressing she finishes what she starts.
Walker has said he intends to complete his degree, though an effort to take classes part time at Marquette a few years back was derailed when his mother-in-law became ill.
Maybe Ms. Taylor would like to level some criticism at some other incompetents who didn’t manage to finish their schooling:
Paul Allen
Reporter Carl Bernstein
Entrepreneur Richard Branson
Founder of Dell Computers Michael Dell
Harrison Ford
Bill Gates
Steve Jobs
Will Smith
Steven Spielberg
…just to name a few.
March 27th, 2008
… finally endorsed a candidate for Mayor of Wauwatosa and now I know who not to vote for. Thanks, discount viagra healing guys!
March 27th, 2008
After a student at Butler University asked Chelsea Clinton if the way her mother handled the Monica Lewinsky scandal damaged her mother’s credibility (a question Chelsea refused to answer), discount cialis ask The Washington Post asked Is It Fair to Ask Chelsea Clinton About Monica Lewinsky?
At first, case I was appalled by the question Chelsea was asked.
But then I wondered, why the hell is Chelsea getting a free pass?
She’s not a 15-year-old anymore.
She’s campaigning for her mother, and yet she refuses to answer any questions from the press.
She wants to have her cake and to eat it, too.
Chelsea Clinton is 28-years-old and acting as a political surrogate. Sometimes people are going to ask tough questions. Grow up and deal with it or get the hell out of politics.
March 26th, 2008
Isn’t a Democrat becoming a Libertarian like a Pope converting to atheism?
March 26th, 2008
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel columnist Eugene Kane wrote a pretty nonjudgmental column on the recent up tick in politicians cheating on their wives.
In it, viagra drugstore he mentions Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, help ex-New York Governor Elliot Spitzer, viagra New York Gov. David Paterson, former-Milwaukee Milwaukee Mayor John O. Norquist, and former President Bill Clinton.
What he forgot to mention is that every one of them is a Democrat.
March 25th, 2008
Marquette University professor Bryan N. Massingale talks about racial justice in an opinion piece in today’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
But Justice is blind for a reason.

True justice can only be achieved by removing race, sildenafil treat religion, generic cialis for sale wealth, birth, and gender from the equation.
Treating people differently because of the color of their skin is not just, it’s just wrong.
March 24th, 2008
…to criticize America for bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki and calls the attacks “unnecessary and cruel”.
Spoken like a man who wasn’t slated to assault the beaches of Japan in the summer of 1945.
March 19th, 2008
…that before criticizing his Pastor in today’s speech Obama might have called the guy up and said, best viagra troche “listen, nurse don’t take any of what I’m going to say too seriously”?
(I’m not saying Obama lied. I’m just saying you don’t diss an old friend in the national press without a private phone call first.)
March 18th, 2008
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