Posts filed under 'Politics'

File under “D” for “Duh.”

A poll released last week by the Pew Research Center showed that 61 percent of voters viewed Obama as patriotic, best cialis physician compared with 76 percent for Clinton and 90 percent for McCain. 

Did we really need a poll to tell us that people consider an ex-POW more patriotic than a couple of Democrats?   ;)

3 comments May 3rd, 2008

I wish I could say I’m shocked…

…that some people just hate the thought of even a couple days without adding 50 cents of taxes to the price of a gallon of gas.

But I’m not.

God forbid we’re able to buy something, sildenafil hospital even temporarily, without paying the government for the privilege.

Add comment April 29th, 2008


The U.S. Supreme Court upheld Indiana’s voter ID law creating breast beating and cloth rending among the usual suspects in Madison:

Rep. Joe Parisi (D-Madison), cialis usa illness a former Dane County clerk, said that while supporters may argue the ruling provides proof that a photo ID requirement is constitutional, no evidence has been produced to show that it wouldn’t be a burden or that eligible voters wouldn’t be turned away.


Indiana provides IDs free of charge to the poor and allows voters who lack photo ID to cast a provisional ballot and then show up within 10 days at their county courthouse to produce identification or otherwise attest to their identity.

There is NOTHING about that that’s an undue burden.

3 comments April 28th, 2008

I don’t know if anyone else has noticed…

…but Ralph Nader still seems to be running for President. ;)

3 comments April 27th, 2008

And this is why I’m not a Democrat or a Republican:

The Republican and Democratic presidential candidates differ strikingly in their approaches to taxes and spending, viagra sale treatment but their fiscal plans have at least one thing in common: each could significantly swell the budget deficit and increase the national debt by trillions of dollars, viagra buy recipe according to tax and budget experts.

Add comment April 26th, 2008

It’s good to see the U.S. government scrambling…

…to address an international food crisis that they basically created.

The road to hell isn’t paved with good intentions, discount viagra nurse it’s paved with “unintended consequences.”

3 comments April 26th, 2008

Next time someone suggests making hate speech or “discriminatory” speech a crime…

… remember this story:

A Chinese primary school teacher and a beautician have filed a suit against CNN in New York over remarks they say insulted the Chinese people and are seeking $1.3 billion in compensation — $1 per person in China, cialis buy see a Hong Kong newspaper reported.

Add comment April 25th, 2008

For all the accusations that the Republicans steal elections…

…the only person I see trying to steal an election is Mrs. Clinton.

(I’m referring, sildenafil ambulance of course, help to the fact that the only likely way Mrs. Clinton can win is if she convinces the super delegates to overturn the popular vote.)

3 comments April 24th, 2008

So the old farts like Hillary over Obama

At least they do according to this article.

But if Hillary wins the nomination (which she’ll only do by invalidating the will of the people (ironic, cialis buy recipe huh)), generic cialis site who will the old folks vote for when John McCain makes Hillary Clinton seem like the inexperienced youngster?

Add comment April 23rd, 2008

If the press thinks…

John McCain is having a hard time appealing to African-Americans , cialis canada thumb now, just wait until he’s running against an African-American.

1 comment April 21st, 2008

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