Posts filed under 'Politics'

So, I was listening to WPR this morning…

…and I heard someone on the Left say that we may be one of the highest taxed states, viagra buy remedy but we’re in the middle of the pack when it comes to spending.

She said that as if it were a defense.

But my question is, cialis sales cialis if we’re collecting more taxes than most states and spending less than a lot…where the hell is the money going?

(And if I misunderstood her point, someone feel free to enlighten me.)

Add comment May 30th, 2008

Does anyone else think it’s strange…

…that folks in Puerto Rico, viagra canada patient Samoa, sildenafil sickness and Guam can vote in the primaries, but can’t vote for President in November?

If they’re American citizens, their votes should count all the time…not just when it basically doesn’t count.

Add comment May 29th, 2008

Supreme Court reprimands Ziegler

Liberal handwringing over the leniency of the punishment in 5, best viagra ampoule 4, pharm 3…

Add comment May 28th, 2008

If Barack Obama loses the general election…

…it will be called proof that America is racist. (Especially conservatives.)

But if he wins, viagra canada click it will be considered evidence the he has a “mandate” to govern as a liberal.

Yet, remedy weirdly enough, the only reason I WOULD vote for him would be because he’s black and the reason I’ll probably vote against him is his liberal policies.

Add comment May 28th, 2008

Conventional wisdom says you can’t win the Whitehouse…

…if you’re still trying to win the war in Iraq, generic viagra ed but God bless John McCain for trying to do it anyway.

Add comment May 26th, 2008

Could you vote for a Democrat who was pro-life and anti-gun control?

I could.

But I doubt I’ll have to worry about having the opportunity to do so any time soon.

Add comment May 22nd, 2008

When I took the SATs 100 years ago…

…people used to joke that you got 1 point just for spelling your name right.

But now some educators are doing that one better by advocating that every student get a minimum of 50 points just for showing up.

When principal Debbie Brockett announced a policy last fall of not allowing teachers to issue any score less than 50 to failing students, viagra canada ambulance she thought she was adopting a means of leveling out an unfair grading curve.

To many outraged teachers at Las Vegas High, for sale however, Brockett’s plan amounted to fuzzy new math designed to offer unfair assistance to low-achieving students.

They protested, and she backed down. But in the process, both sides stepped into one of the hottest grading debates within academic circles today. Across the USA, education experts and school administrators are trying to determine how and whether to reform grading systems to give failing students a better chance to catch up.

“I made a bad call at the time, going with past experience, and I didn’t expect it to become controversial,” says Brockett, who had just been promoted from a middle school where her minimum-F policy was in place. “Now it’s an ongoing conversation we’re having.”

And the educational establishment wonders why the general public doesn’t have much faith in their ability to fix the system.

Add comment May 20th, 2008

Cake and eat it, too

Barack Obama is upset because the Tennessee GOP won’t stop repeating Michelle Obama’s statement that “For the first time in my adult life, viagra look I am really proud of my country.”

“The GOP, should I be the nominee, can say whatever they want to say about me, my track record,” Obama said. “If they think that they’re going to try to make Michelle an issue in this campaign, they should be careful because that I find unacceptable, the notion that you start attacking my wife or my family.”

Actually, Senator, YOU made your wife an issue in this campaign when you decided to have her speak to crowds as your surrogate.

Get her out of the limelight or let her take her lumps.

Add comment May 19th, 2008

You had to know that no matter who was winning, there would be whining

Women think Hillary Clinton losing the Democratic nomination for President is proof that America is too sexist to elect a female President.

Of course, viagra sale ambulance if Barack Obama ends up losing the nomination, best cialis America will be called too racist to elect a black President.

Oh well, I guess when your party is all about racial and sexual-identity politics, you have to expect an occasional lose/lose proposition.

4 comments May 19th, 2008

This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but with a whimper.

A Subdued Clinton, generic cialis remedy shop and a Subdued Audience .

Add comment May 17th, 2008

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