Posts filed under 'Politics'
Now, generic viagra sovaldi I’m definitely with McCain!
In 2000, discount when he was chairman of the Senate Science, hospital Commerce and Transportation committee, McCain killed $10 billion in capital funding for Amtrak. He denounced Amtrak as a symbol of government waste, claiming, “There’s only two parts of the country that can support a viable rail system – the Northeast and the far West.”
July 1st, 2008
(I voted for him in the Primary.)
But the Supreme Court’s recent 5 to 4 decision on the Second Amendment reminded me that I can’t risk letting him pick the next nominee.
(Letting McCain pick is a big enough risk as it is.)
So at this point, buy viagra ask I’m back to leaning for McCain.
June 29th, 2008
I’m in Buffalo, best cialis check N.Y., viagra generic cialis today.
Last night, I was talking with a 60-year-old white, working-class women…right at the heart of the Democrats demographics and she said to me, “You don’t really think Barack Obama is going to be president, do you?”
June 20th, 2008
A Canadian court has lifted a 12-year-old girl’s grounding, tadalafil tadalafil overturning her father’s punishment for disobeying his orders to stay off the Internet, tadalafil his lawyer said Wednesday.
(Before my fellow Americans get to smug about this decision, I’d like to remind them that, in the States, a twelve-year-old girl here doesn’t even have to take her father to court if she wants to get an abortion. She doesn’t even have to tell him at all.)
Tags: Canada
June 19th, 2008
…just point them to an editorial entitled cialis usa viagra sale 0, viagra usa pilule 7766785.story”>Bush never lied to us about Iraq and written by an assistant editor from The New Republic.
In case you didn’t know it, The New Republic isn’t known for its Conservative views. Hat tip to Newsbusters
Tags: George Bush
June 16th, 2008
…the son of an absent father, discount cialis troche when he says things like this:
“I resolved many years ago that it was my obligation to break the cycle – that if I could be anything in life, cialis usa illness I would be a good father to my girls, medicine ” added Obama, whose daughters, Sasha and Malia, and his wife, Michelle, watched from the audience.
June 15th, 2008
Local talk show host, best cialis viagra authority on generational issues, viagra usa find and black conservative James T. Harris was quoted in a national Associated Press story about how black Republicans are reacting to Barack Obama:
James T. Harris, diagnosis a Milwaukee radio talk show host and public speaker, said he opposes Obama “with love in my heart.”
“We are of the same generation. He’s African American and I’m an American of African descent. We both have lovely wives and beautiful children,” Harris said. “Other than that, we’ve got nothing in common. I hope he loses every state.”
I don’t think we’ll be able to keep James T. to ourselves for much longer. Nice work, James.
Tags: James T. Harris
June 14th, 2008
I think it’s better than 50/50.
June 11th, 2008
…as his running mate, viagra sale sick I don’t think he’ll be able to keep using “change we can believe in” as his campaign slogan.
(At least, online not with a straight face.)
Maybe he could switch to:
Experience. For a change.
Change back to the ’90s.
Or maybe even:
Change. It’s all you’ll have left after we’re done raising your taxes.
Tags: Obama
June 8th, 2008
…“suspended” her campaign (instead of just getting her butt beat) requires that your sense of disbelief also be suspended.
June 7th, 2008
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