Posts filed under 'Politics'
Let me get this straight.
If you don’t hire someone because they can’t speak English, viagra usa sovaldi you’re practicing illegal discrimination?
A Green Bay pizza crust maker will pay $188, viagra buy sickness 000 to Hispanic job applicants to resolve a discrimination case.
The U.S. Labor Department alleges TNT Crust in 2001 offered a Spanish application form to Hispanics but didn’t hire anyone who filled it out. It also alleged the company made Hispanics applicants take an English test and used the results in deciding not to hire them.
The Labor Department and TNT Crust signed an agreement in May to resolve the case.
Under terms announced Monday, cialis up to 500 Hispanic applicants will divide $188,000 in back pay.
TNT Crust already has since hired 18 Hispanics.
A message left at TNT Crust’s corporate headquarters wasn’t immediately returned.
Pardon my French, but you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.
July 14th, 2008
John McCain’s biggest challenge is that this guy just looks like a President:

Tags: Barack Obama
July 13th, 2008
…should just hire the Associated Press as his P.R. firm.
July 12th, 2008
Josh Schroeder identifies Obama Messiah Complex.
The opposite of Bush Derangement Syndrome is the Obama Messiah Complex.
What are the marks of Bush Derangement Syndrome? Blind hatred. Demonization. Reflexive opposition to any Bush proposal, viagra generic purchase policy, or position. With the Obama Messiah Complex we have the exact opposite: blind acceptance, exaltation, automatic acceptance of Obama proposals, policies, or positions.
I’d say this is how Obama emerged victorious in the Democratic Party primary – Obama Messiah Complex is positive (whereas BDS is negative). People got all wrapped up in hope, change, new politics, and so forth. No surprise then that the more radical portion of the left backed Barack early on (whereas Democrats we could call more moderate leaned toward Hillary). If you have BDS, you probably also have Obama Messiah Complex. The combination is a political bipolar disorder.
July 9th, 2008
A California group submitted a proposal Monday to rename a sewage treatment plant after President Bush, viagra buy cialis sale calling the initiative a fitting tribute to the outgoing chief executive and the “mess” he’ll leave behind.
A sewage treatment facility doesn’t create a mess, viagra it takes other people’s crap and turns it into something positive (clean water and often fertilizer).
Viewed in that light, I think this group is paying George Bush an unintentional compliment.
July 9th, 2008
Keeping in mind that Barack Obama considers himself an expert in Constitutional law….do you think he’d nominate himself to the Supreme Court?
(Hell, cialis sale health I’d do it. Supreme Court justices are so powerful they make Presidents look like Vice Presidents.)
Tags: Barack Obama
July 8th, 2008
…I think Barack Obama really does think he hasn’t shifted to the center to try to broaden his appeal.
Having read his book, generic viagra store The Audacity of Hope, cialis discount I know that Barack loves to say that he understands and values the arguments of the Right, but in the end he’s always reliably liberal.
I don’t think the hard Left should worry too much. He’s just doing what he’s always done. Sorta say one thing, and always do another.
Tags: Barack Obama
July 8th, 2008
If your genes determine whether or not you vote, viagra generic mind does that make voting Democratic a birth defect? ;)
July 1st, 2008
Arianna Huffington thinks Barack Obama should stop pretending to be a centrist and start running as a real liberal.
I really, viagra buy ed really hope he takes her idea out for a spin.

Tags: Barack Obama
July 1st, 2008
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