Posts filed under 'Politics'

I saw a giant black RV, today…

…emblazoned with the words Death + Taxes.

I thought it might be a joint effort between Dick Cheney and Nancy Pelosi, viagra sales no rx but it was just some music magazine.

1 comment July 31st, 2008

As part of Newsweek’s ongoing campaign against John McCain…

…columnist Anna Quindlen attacked him for not being very tech savvy.

That leaves me with a few questions:

1.) How sophisticated an Internet user is Barack Obama?

2.) Does she really think the next President will be googling “North Korea” rather than calling the CIA, cialis sales site NSA, cialis usa doctor and State Department for their evaluations?

(And if she really thinks the Internet is a more accurate and reliable source of information than the entire U.S. government, she needs to turn in her “Big Government Fan Club” membership card.)

3.) I use the Internet every day and I’ll tell you right now I want a president who is NOT wasting his time reading the Huffington Post, watching youtube and browsing porn.

We’re not electing the next Blogger-in-Chief.

And I’m less interested in electing someone who knows how to get online than I am in voting for someone who is willing to hold the line.

3 comments July 30th, 2008

I would never read the Huffington Post on purpose

But because I scan the social news site Digg a couple of times a day looking for unusual news to blog about, cialis generic malady I’m constantly exposed to their virulent take on current politics.

Honestly, it’s ridiculous.

For example, I made a PDF of today’s Digg homepage that includes links to no less than THREE Huffington Post blog posts.

They may as well rename Digg to We Digg The Huffington Post.

1 comment July 28th, 2008

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel could only write this editorial…

implying that illegal immigrants are less likely to commit a crime than an actual citizen, cialis canada there because they’re willing to ignore the fact that, by definition, every illegal immigrant is already a criminal.

5 comments July 27th, 2008

If I wasn’t leaning towards John McCain anyway…

this would have me wheeling into his camp.

Republican presidential candidate John McCain is pledging support for a proposal to expand protections for disabled people under an 18-year-old landmark civil rights law.

1 comment July 26th, 2008

The Huffington Post thinks it’s hilarious that John McCain is in German Village, Ohio…

…while Barack Obama is speaking to adoring crowds in Berlin:

As the Illinois Democrat speaks before the picturesque Victory Column in Berlin today,
generic cialis prescription the Arizona Republican is doing a slightly less exciting form of German outreach. He is having a lunch meeting with small business leaders at a German restaurant in German Village, cheap Columbus, Ohio.

But I’d like to point out that the people in Germany can’t vote in the next election, the people in Ohio can.

Wir sind Berliners, nicht.

1 comment July 25th, 2008

I don’t know why everyone is so surprised…

…at Barack Obama’s campaign speech in Germany.

After all, viagra generic view he is running for President of the European Union…isn’t he?

5 comments July 24th, 2008

I heard Wisconsin State Senator Russ Decker on WPR…

talking about how combined reporting must be a good thing because 22 other states do it.

No word yet on how he feels about the 48 states who allow their citizens to get permits to carry concealed weapons.

1 comment July 22nd, 2008

Interfering with the police when they are trying to save a 12-year-old girl…

…does not make you a hero:

“The lead detective said to me that they need to take the public computers and I said `OK, sildenafil hospital show me your warrant and that will be that, generic viagra ‘” said Flint, 56. “He did say he didn’t need any paper. I said `You do.’ He said `I’m just trying to save a 12-year-old girl,’ and I told him `Show me the paper.'”

A couple of thoughts:

1.) As far as I’m concerned, public libraries are public places (it even says so in their names) and what you borrow from them and what you do on their computers is not private.

2.) The only people who could get in trouble for what was on those computers would be people who were using them to commit illegal acts. If you’re purveying child porn, or planning a bombing, or running an email scam, I won’t lose any sleep over you getting caught up in a sweep for a missing kid.

Add comment July 19th, 2008

I don’t believe this:

best cialis sovaldi 0, cialis buy 2245566.story”> The Field Poll of 672 likely voters found that 51% oppose Proposition 8, which would amend the state Constitution to define marriage as only between a man and woman. Forty-two percent of voters support the November ballot measure.

People lie to pollsters.

I’ll be very surprised if the anti-gay marriage amendment in California doesn’t pass (and that’s coming from a guy who voted against the one in Wisconsin).

2 comments July 18th, 2008

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