Posts filed under 'Politics'

I know this is a cheap shot:

But, sildenafil remedy man, best cialis is that funny.

Found at An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings

2 comments August 15th, 2008

If Colin Powell…

endorses Barack Obama, cialis viagra is that evidence that skin color trumps party affiliation?

(And if it is, the Democrats better hope the same attitude doesn’t exist in their white party members.)

3 comments August 14th, 2008

If Obama’s willing…

… to extend his ‘no income taxes on seniors’ plan to the rest of us, viagra buy order he’ll get my vote!

5 comments August 12th, 2008

Does this help or hurt Barack Obama?

Iraq’s foreign minister says negotiators are “on the brink” of reaching a long-term security pact with the United States that will decide the fate of American troops in Iraq.

Hoshyar Zebari says the Iraqis are insisting on the inclusion of a “clear timeline” for the withdrawal of U.S.-led forces. But he has refused to give any dates.

It depends on how long the timeline is.

If the agreed upon date for withdrawal is 10 years from now, buy cialis cialis sale it helps Obama.

But if the date is before 2010, I think it takes the war away from him as an issue.

1 comment August 10th, 2008

So….how much do you think he’s paying her?

The ex-mistress of former presidential candidate John Edwards said Saturday she will not participate in DNA testing to establish the paternity of her daughter.

Add comment August 9th, 2008

While I understand the annoyance…

…when the press seems quick to point out the party affiliation of Republicans when they get in trouble but not so quick when it’s a Democrat, generic viagra pharmacy I have to say I doubt most people will have a hard time concluding that the African-American Mayor of Detroit is a Democrat…even without help from the press.

4 comments August 8th, 2008

I love this ad

But I’m not sure who it’s supposed to speak to.

Democrats who might care what these guys think are going to vote for Obama no matter what.

And Republicans are just going to be reminded that any guy that the Democrats like that much can’t be all good.

Hat tip: Cindy Kilkenny: Fairly Conservative

Add comment August 7th, 2008

Proof that politics are dirtier than sex.

When Paris Hilton appeared for less than a second in an election commercial for John McCain her mom got all bent out of shape.

But I don’t remember hearing a word from her mother when Paris was showing off a less politic body in a video of her very own.

By the way, generic viagra clinic if you haven’t seen John McCain’s commercial, sildenafil cure yet, you’ll be shocked to discover that it’s really a pretty basic (and policy-driven) political commercial:

4 comments August 4th, 2008

Didn’t “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” cook this goose already?

Some folks are claiming that the use of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton in John McCain’s infamous “Celebrity” ad against Barack Obama is actually a thinly-veiled attempt to resurrect whitey’s ancient fear that “black men are stealing our women folk.”

I suppose I might admit they had a point, cialis sales pills if the commercial didn’t happen to show the only two chicks I can think of that no self-respecting man of any race – white, black, or Martian – would be interested in sleeping with.

Add comment August 3rd, 2008

What if McCain wins?

The press has crowned Obama.

Barack has already taken a victory lap of Europe.

So what happens if McCain squeaks out a victory?

(Other than the inevitable proclaiming of America to be filled with racists?)

5 comments August 2nd, 2008

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