Republicans Want Hillary Backers to Switch Sides. Will they?
I don’t think Republicans really expect many Hillary backers to switch sides.
I think they’re basically just hoping all those women will stay home.
(Not that a woman’s place is in the home! Don’t even try to pin that one on me!)
August 25th, 2008
Republicans want Europe to be more like America.
August 25th, 2008
How much longer will it be before we hear the words: Keating Five?
Tags: John McCain
August 24th, 2008
Turns out, cialis cialis he was just Biden his time.
(Oh, I’m so going to hell for that one.)
Tags: Barack Obama
August 23rd, 2008
They seem to think this hurts John McCain in two ways:
- He’s rich! And that means he’s evil.
- Now he can’t call Barack Obama an elitist anymore!
Well, buy cialis tadalafil I hate to break it to you guys, but there are problems with both those conclusions.
For one thing, most American’s don’t hate rich folk the way Democrats seem to. (They, themselves, want to be rich and as soon as they hit the lottery they’re looking forward to forgetting how many houses they own, too.)
For another, Barack Obama ain’t poor…so the rich thing is a losing horse to ride.
And “elitist” has nothing to do with money. Elitist is a matter of mindset, not moola. You can be poor and an elitist snob or rich and just regular folks.
You’ll never paint John McCain (a man who almost flunked out of the Naval Academy, looks like he has a beer every night and probably swears like a sailor) as an elitist.
But the guy who eats arugula and thinks that the common folk cling to guns and religion because they’re bitter? Him, you can paint as an elitist.
Tags: Barack Obama, John McCain
August 22nd, 2008
911-conspiracy theorist Kevin Barrett is apparently running for Congress as a Libertarian.
Kevin, cialis canada seek I’m a Libertarian.
You’re not a Libertarian.
You’re just completely batshit.
August 22nd, 2008
For Barak Obama:
Colin Powell.
For John McCain:
Condoleezza Rice.
Now THAT would make for an interesting election.
(Not to mention a killer VP debate.)
Tags: Barack Obama, John McCain
August 20th, 2008
But it will probably be someone I’ve never heard of.
Presidential candidates seem to have a special gift for finding running mates most folks have never heard of.
Tags: Barack Obama
August 18th, 2008
Now, cialis buy buy the same committee that stripped Florida and Michigan of their delegates for violating party rules by holding early primaries is poised to suggest those delegates regain their full voting powers when the Denver convention starts in eight days.
August 16th, 2008