Posts filed under 'Politics'
The press apparently thinks that the HUSBAND of a Vice Presidential nominee getting arrested for driving under the influence when he was 22 is a bigger problem than an actual candidate for President admitting he smoked pot and did cocaine at about the same age.
Well, cialis sale capsule just as long as we hold everyone to the same standard.
September 2nd, 2008
…when they also believe that the Republicans have stolen the last two elections?
How hard can it be to steal a third?
September 1st, 2008
And folks on the Left are already acting like it’s a crime.
A 17-year-old being pregnant isn’t the best situation.
But, viagra usa ailment my mother had me when she was 17.
Barack Obama’s mother got pregnant with him when she was 17.
I think it worked out great in the first situation.
And I’d guess most of the people trying to make hay out of Bristol’s pregnancy think it worked out OK in the second.
September 1st, 2008
I have one thing to say about the absolutely insane assertion that Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin pretended to have a baby that was really her 16-year-old daughter’s.
Do the wack jobs who are propagating this despicable dirt really think that the Governor of Alaska could get away with this sort of masquerade for YEARS without her doctors, viagra usa generic her staff, rx her daughter’s friends, viagra or the postulated “real” father of the baby EVER saying anything to the press about this?
If Sarah Palin really did manage to pull this off, she’s not just the Governor of Alaska, she’s a Dark Lord of the Sith.
The Left likes to posture themselves as being of a higher moral character when it comes to elections, but this attack on the mother of a Down’s Syndrome baby (and indirectly on her 16-year-old daughter) makes the Swiftboating of John Kerry seem like a pro-Democrat pep rally.
Tags: Sarah Palin
September 1st, 2008
The media elite — as well as elite members of the GOP consulting community — have all but mocked Palin as a former small-town mayor with zero Washington experience. But that view of her totally misses the cultural resonance she carries to crucial Republican power centers and could not be more at odds with the jubilation felt among true believers that one of their own is on the ticket.
The Palin pick was not about picking off a few Hillary supporters (though it might).
It’s not about highlighting Barack Obama’s own inexperience (which it does).
It’s about galvanizing the base.
The God and Guns crowd is going crazy over Palin. They feel the same way about her that the main stream media feels about Barack Obama: they’re head over heels.
People who said they couldn’t vote for McCain are actually CONTRIBUTING to McCain/Palin.
No other running mate McCain could have picked would have had the effect that Sarah Palin’s nomination has had.
And the more the press and the left ridicules her, viagra canada buy cialis the more people like her are going to rally to her side.
Palin might not win the election for McCain, cialis sales but a year ago I would have said NOTHING could win the election for a Republican in 2008.
For some, Palin might seem a contentious pick, but among the Republican base, she just made McCain a contender.
Tags: John McCain, Sarah Palin
August 31st, 2008
…I think to myself:
She’s rubber, generic viagra viagra Obama’s glue, diagnosis everything you say bounces off her and sticks to You-Know-Who.
A first term U.S. Senator is supposedly more qualified to be the country’s chief executive than a first term Governor is to be SECOND in command?
Tags: Barack Obama, Sarah Palin
August 29th, 2008
…that you never see Tina Fey…

…and Sarah Palin together in the same room?

I’m just saying.
Tags: Sarah Palin
August 29th, 2008
Ellen Goodman wrote a column, buy viagra tadalafil today, viagra generic medical bemoaning that with Hillary Clinton’s defeat women had lost their chance to take high office:
I was not surprised to see the tenacity of this story line. However many speakers talked about the 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling, discount the ceiling is in place. While polls say that women now feel it’s more likely to have a woman president in the future, older women wonder, “In my lifetime?”
Now that John McCain has nominated a woman to be a heartbeat away from the highest office in the land, do you think Ellen will:
A.) Start praising the Republicans for putting women back on the front burner
B.) Vilify Sarah Palin as being a woman in chromosomes only?
August 29th, 2008
I don’t like to admit this, discount viagra recipe but I have been seriously considering voting for Barack Obama.
Not because I agree with his politics. I don’t.
But because I just couldn’t imagine voting against the first African-American for President.
I know a person’s race is a horrible reason to vote for them.
But I just couldn’t see myself someday telling a son or daughter that I voted against the first black man running for President.
But now I’ll be able to say I didn’t vote against Barack Obama, I voted for the first female vice president. (Someone who might even prove to be the first female President.)
I know it’s not logical, but I’m being honest here.
I’ll feel a lot better about voting for McCain/Palin in November than I would have for McCain/Romney.
(Unless, of course, she comes across as a complete incompetent on the national stage. We’ll have to see how she does at the convention and at the debates.)
Tags: Barack Obama, John McCain
August 29th, 2008
John McCain chooses Alaska Governor Sarah Palan as his running mate.

Tags: John McCain
August 29th, 2008
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