If the Democrats really start talking about prosecuting the Bush administration for “war crimes”…
…like these folks think they have, cialis pilule they will lose the election.
And they should.
3 comments September 4th, 2008
…like these folks think they have, cialis pilule they will lose the election.
And they should.
3 comments September 4th, 2008
Some folks are excited that they’ve found an email from a woman in Alaska who doesn’t like Sarah Palin.
Congratulations! You’ve managed to track down one of the 20 percent of people in Alaska who don’t approve of Sarah Palin.
Anyone interested in the other 80 percent’s opinion?
Add comment September 4th, 2008
…and the Democrats need to be very, viagra generic unhealthy very afraid.
7 comments September 3rd, 2008
But she just gave a GREAT speech.
(Maybe McCain should have picked her. ;)
2 comments September 3rd, 2008
I think Lance Burri (and the media) misattribute some of the cheers they heard at the Republican National Convention last night:
There were up-notes to Lieberman’s speech, viagra usa capsule of course: that “surreal moment” I mentioned before? It came when Lieberman said:
In the Senate he has not reached across party lines to get anything significant done, search nor has he been willing to take on powerful interest groups in the Democratic Party.
Contrast that to John McCain’s record, or the record of the last Democratic President, Bill Clinton, who stood up to some of those same Democratic interest groups and worked with Republicans to get important things done like welfare reform, free trade agreements, and a balanced budget.
And the audience cheered…Bill Clinton.
I think they were cheering welfare reform, free trade, and a balanced budget.
(Of course, Lance is at the convention and I’m not. So what do I know? ;)
Add comment September 3rd, 2008
ANSWER: Being a governor of one of the 50 States.
(Now shut the hell up about Sarah Palin not having enough experience to be Vice President. Technically she’s THE ONLY ONE running with the right sort of experience to be PRESIDENT.)
5 comments September 2nd, 2008
The money line?
Thompson recounted in brutal detail the torture that McCain endured during his 5 1/2 years in captivity.
“We hear a lot of talk about hope, viagra sales decease ” Thompson said. “John McCain knows about hope. That’s all he had to survive on.”
You could argue that some of the shots at Obama were better, but this is the line that got to me.
5 comments September 2nd, 2008
…and, viagra sale view man, viagra that’s a lot of white folks.
Not a condemnation, just an honest observation
4 comments September 2nd, 2008
Now the press is full of “juicy” details about Levi Johnston, generic cialis advice the father of Bristol Palin’s baby, viagra sales see mined from his myspace page.
You’ve got to be kidding me.
The personal thoughts and posturings of a 16/17-year-old hockey player is valid news in a Presidential election?
As Obama said…DROP IT.
And if you are going to insist on talking about Levi Johnston, at least quit referring to him as Bristol’s “baby daddy.”
He’s her fiance.
3 comments September 2nd, 2008
I always thought that something like 30% of Americans voted, sildenafil viagra but while doing a research for a future post I discovered that 64% of us voted in 2004:
Sixty-four percent of U.S. citizens age 18 and over voted in the 2004 presidential election, treatment up from 60 percent in 2000, pharm the U.S. Census Bureau reported today. Tables from a November survey also show that of 197 million citizens, 72 percent (142 million) reported they were registered to vote. Among those registered, 89 percent (126 million) said they voted. In the 2000 election, 70 percent of citizens were registered; and among them, 86 percent voted.
That’s not perfect, but really that’s a hell of a lot better than I thought it was.
Add comment September 2nd, 2008