Posts filed under 'Politics'
Adviser says McCain helped create the BlackBerry
Move over, viagra illness Al Gore. You may lay claim to the Internet, look but John McCain helped create the BlackBerry.
At least that’s the contention of a top McCain policy adviser, Douglas Holtz-Eakin. Waving his BlackBerry personal digital assistant and citing McCain’s work as a senator, he told reporters Tuesday, “You’re looking at the miracle that John McCain helped create.”
McCain has acknowledged that he doesn’t know how to use a computer and can’t send e-mail, one of the BlackBerry’s prime functions.
Holtz-Eakin’s argument is similar to one advanced by Gore, the Democratic presidential nominee in 2000. Gore once boasted about “taking the initiative to create the Internet” through technological and educational policies. He later was mocked for claiming to have invented the Internet, although he never made such a claim.
Holtz-Eakin, former director of the Congressional Budget Office, said McCain’s service on and leadership of the Senate Commerce Committee put him at the intersection of a number of economic interests, including the telecommunications industry.
The Arizona senator’s handling of regulation and deregulation of that industry in particular left him with the skills to help revive the economy amid a mortgage crisis, an energy crisis and a Wall Street meltdown, the adviser said.
“He can and has the judgment to put people in place with technical expertise, with the history of experience in the areas necessary, that we’re going to get reforms,” Holtz-Eakin said.
And I helped create the space shuttle because I pay taxes that were then used to finance NASA.
Come on, we’ve got more important stuff to talk about.
(Plus, if Barack had tried a stunt like this, he would have at least said he helped created the iPhone. It’s way cooler than a Blackberry for God’s sake.)
September 16th, 2008
On Wisconsin Public Radio this morning, viagra canada cialis I heard a political scientist say that Barack Obama should just admit that he doesn’t share the same cultural values as rural America, viagra canada malady but then say…”but I have some great policies that I think will benefit you economically.”
But that political scientist is making the same mistake that the guy who wrote What’s the Matter with Kansas made.
For many Americans, viagra the cultural stuff is not just garnish, it’s the meal.
They don’t give a crap if you want to raise tax rates 1% or lower them 1%.
They do give a damn if you want to take away their right to self defense.
Or encourage people to use abortion as birth control.
Or think a person’s color is more important than their competence when it comes to getting into a school or getting a job.
Those are root values.
They go to the heart of what being an American means.
And to act like people who think that the cultural issues are the most important issues are somehow missing the point…is to miss the point.
September 15th, 2008
From folkbum’s rambles and rants:
There will be a flurry of conservative hair-splitting and excuses, generic cialis illness but the disaster that is happening right now on Wall Street with the collapse of Lehman Brothers thanks to the subprime mess should among rational thinking people put a stake into the heart of the right wing notion of hands off when it comes to the market.
This shows a woeful misunderstanding of free markets and how conservatives feel about them.
A free market means that people are free to succeed AND free to fail.
Lehman Brothers made bad decisions and should fail as a result of them. It’s not government’s job to protect corporations from their own stupidity.
September 15th, 2008
cialis buy ,20225789, discount 00.html”>Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin evidently had a good laugh at being parodied in the Saturday Night Live opening skit this weekend.
“She thought it was quite funny, particularly because she once dressed up as Tina Fey for Halloween,” her spokesperson Tracey Schmitt said, according to CBS News.
So, my question is: how does one dress up as Tina Fey?
Tags: Sarah Palin
September 15th, 2008
Randall Kennedy in the Washington Post writes:
I anticipate that most black Americans will believe that an Obama defeat will have stemmed in substantial part from a prejudice that robbed 40 million Americans of the chance to become president on the day they were born black. They will of course understand that race wasn’t the only significant variable — that party affiliation, viagra canada pills ideological proclivities, medical strategic choices and dumb luck also mattered. But deep in their bones, they will believe — and probably rightly — that race was a key element, that had the racial shoe been on the other foot — had John McCain been black and Obama white — the result would have been different.
I’m sorry, but if Colin Powell were running as the Republican nominee instead of John McCain, he’d win in a landslide.
I DO think race will play a part in this Presidential election. How could it not? Some whites just won’t vote for a black man. More African-American’s will come out and vote for Barack Obama than would have voted otherwise.
But to say that Republicans wouldn’t vote for a black man is just flat out wrong.
When Hillary Clinton was running, people said that Republicans wouldn’t vote for a woman either and Sarah Palin is certainly disproving that assertion.
As I wrote a few days ago:
In the end, which side of the political divide you inhabit in this country is less about what body you were born in, than what body of thought you believe in.
Repbulicans would have no problem voting for a conservative African-American for President. (Well, that’s not 100% correct. The problem they would have is FINDING a conservative African-American who was actually willing to run. ;) )
Hat tip to The Volokh Conspiracy
September 14th, 2008
And I’m going to keep donating every time the mainstream media’s treatment of the Republican ticket pisses me off.
My guess is I’m going to hit the Federal campaign donation limit pretty damn fast.
September 13th, 2008

Special thanks to a neighbor of mine who works at Grebes Bakery and was handing these out on our street, viagra usa cialis salve last night.
September 13th, 2008
…I think she needs to go on every single TV show she can get on: Larry King, viagra usa case Meet the Press, viagra usa check The View, medical the Tonight Show, Rachel Ray, Sports Center, Saturday Night Live (where she should pretend to be Tina Fey and do the Weekend Update), & Sesame Street.
Enough of standing in a shooting range and letting a single interviewer take shots at her.
The more places she appears, the more likely she will be to find less hostile venues.
I mean, hell, at some point someone might even mistake her for Barack Obama and say something uncritical about her. ;)
Tags: Barack Obama, Sarah Palin
September 12th, 2008
Most members of the mainstream media are politically Liberal.
That’s an undeniable fact
For the most part, viagra buy viagra I think over the years professional journalists have made an effort to be as nonpartisan as their unconscious biases would allow.
But, ampoule now, it feels like the mainstream media has abandoned any pretense towards impartiality and declared open war on the Right.
There’s a reason why a majority of Americans think the press is out to hurt Sarah Palin.
For well over a year, the mainstream media has been fawning all over Barack Obama.
And now I’m wondering if, like Paul Soglin, the press hasn’t decided that this election is so important that anything they have to do to assure Barack Obama’s election is justified.
The Fourth Estate has an important role to play in a Democracy.
They should ask hard questions.
They should probe for answers.
They should try to find the truth.
But they should not take sides.
And, at this point, it is my judgment that many members of the press have abandoned their traditional role as democracy’s referees and have chosen advocacy over arbitration.
September 12th, 2008
…on that same Week in Review, viagra sale cure I heard Ben Manski say portions of the Left would believe that a victory by the Republicans this November would be prima facie evidence that they stole the election.
Talk like this is more dangerous to the stability of our Republic than anything George Bush has done in the eight years of his Presidency.
September 12th, 2008
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