Posts filed under 'Politics'
The polls show that the nation is basically split 50/50 between John McCain and Barack Obama.
But can anyone watching the after-debate pundits on CNN/ABC etc… claim (with a straight face and truth in their heart) that 1/2 the people on those shows are on John McCain’s side?
Tags: Barack Obama, John McCain
September 26th, 2008
But, cialis usa cialis from what I did see, sales I’d call it pretty much a draw.
(And honest opinion? McCain did better than I expected him to. But then, I didn’t expect that much.)
Tags: Barack Obama, John McCain
September 26th, 2008
I’ve read a lot of opinions, cialis buy buy cialis today, tadalafil search about the political wisdom of John McCain going to Washington to participate in dealing with the current financial crisis.
Was it a smart move for his campaign?
Did it backfire?
Did Obama “play” it better?
But maybe everyone is wrong.
Maybe John McCain didn’t return to Washington to try to gain a political advantage.
Maybe he went to Washington just because he thought it was his duty to go.
I think, for most of us, it’s easy to underestimate the importance of duty to a man like John McCain.
Most of us didn’t grow up in a military family with an Admiral for a father.
Most of us didn’t go to a military academy for college.
Most of us have never lived by a code of honor.
Most of us haven’t killed another human being because it was our duty.
We haven’t been beaten nearly to death because it was our duty.
We haven’t refused the opportunity to escape prison because it was our duty.
Maybe, John McCain’s decision to go to Washington this week to do his duty as a sitting U.S. Senator wasn’t a particularly good political move.
And maybe it will hurt him in the end.
But if it does, it won’t be the first time that John McCain did his duty without regard to his personal well being.
And I’m guessing it won’t be the last.
Tags: John McCain
September 26th, 2008
This reporter thinks it’s funny that Governor Palin is not going to Washington with Senator McCain to help hash out the financial bailout bill.
But she has no role there.
She’s a Goverornor
Obama, best viagra rx Biden, best cialis and McCain belong in Washington because they are 6% of the U.S. Senate’s total population.
They should have a role in handling a crisis of this magnitude.
But I’m starting to find this “let’s watch them handle a hurricane,” “let’s watch them handle the financial crisis,” “let’s see them handle the Russians invading Georgia” shtick just plain weird.
I can’t remember another election were the participants were supposed to act as if they were the President and Vice President while they were running for office.
(Hell, sometimes they haven’t even acted like they were the President and Vice President when they actually were.)
September 25th, 2008
…mostly because I hate being wrong.
But in this case, viagra canada mind I just have to say:
Barack Obama is going to win Wisconsin.
Why do I say that?
Because, despite what the press sometimes claims, Wisconsin is NOT a purple state.
We have a Democrat in the Governor’s office.
Both our U.S. Senators are Democrats.
The state Senate is controlled by the Democrats and odds are the state Assembly will be, too after this election.
The last time Wisconsin voted for a Republican for President was Ronald Reagan in 1984.
John McCain is not going to be the guy to break the losing streak.
So, John, if you’re listening…don’t count on winning Wisconsin in November.
Tags: Barack Obama, John McCain
September 21st, 2008
…finally caught up with the post I made two days ago about the fact that the racism Barack Obama needs to worry about isn’t Republican.
From the AP story:
The findings suggest that Obama’s problem is close to home – among his fellow Democrats, buy cialis generic particularly non-Hispanic white voters. Just seven in 10 people who call themselves Democrats support Obama, ailment compared to the 85 percent of self-identified Republicans who back McCain.
The survey also focused on the racial attitudes of independent voters because they are likely to decide the election.
Lots of Republicans harbor prejudices, cialis too, but the survey found they weren’t voting against Obama because of his race. Most Republicans wouldn’t vote for any Democrat for president – white, black or brown.
From my post:
The 48% or so who vote Republican would vote for John McCain regardless of who the Democratic nominee was.
(That’s not to say that there are no racist Republicans. My point is that any Republican racism is irrelevant in this case because Republicans were going to vote for “their” guy whether the Democrat’s nominated Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or Joe Biden.)
The problem lies with Democrats (and to some extent Independents).
The numbers say that if Barack Obama loses, it will only be because members of his own party didn’t vote for him.
So if Barack Obama loses, and you’re a Democrat who thinks the reason he lost was racism, you’re going to have to take a good hard look at your own party.
September 20th, 2008
…but I wonder how my liberal friends feel about hate-filled screeds from the Left like the ones in this story about how liberal women in New York feel about Sarah Palin or some of the comments I see in places like the HuffingtonPost.
I mean, discount viagra search aren’t the liberals supposed to be the nice people?
September 19th, 2008
But this is a great article on the popular vote and the Electoral College:
Charles Kozierok: “Popular Vote” Claims Just A Myth
September 19th, 2008
People would rather watch a football game with Barack Obama than with John McCain — but by barely the length of a football.
Lucky for Obama they didn’t include the running mates on that poll.
John and Sarah would have totally run up the score on Obama and Joe on that one.
Tags: Barack Obama, John McCain
September 19th, 2008
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