Posts filed under 'Politics'
Too-seldom blogger, viagra sales pilule Dave Casper asks:
“…how long before the numbnuts take down the Impeach Bush/Cheney? There’s gotta be a statute of limitations on that somewhere.”
Unfortunately, cialis usa healing I believe the answer is: just as soon as they print up some Imprison Bush/Cheney signs to replace them with.
November 4th, 2008
…by including the phrase “naked pictures of Sarah Palin” in every other post.
I guess I’ll just have to remember to do that when she runs for President. ;)
Tags: Sarah Palin
November 4th, 2008
Good luck to John McCain and Barack Obama. Whichever of you win…you’re gonna need it.
Tags: Barack Obama, John McCain
November 4th, 2008
Forget the Hail Mary, viagra generic thumb it’s time for the triple-reverse, my friend.
Tags: John McCain
November 3rd, 2008

Because at least two Milwaukee radio stations are already playing Christmas music.
(And if it’s not in His honor, generic cialis rx they must be out of their frickin’ minds.)
Tags: Barack Obama
November 3rd, 2008
…John McCain and Sarah Palin probably weren’t looking for:

Tags: John McCain, Sarah Palin
November 3rd, 2008
But my friend Michael is voting for McCain.
(Be prepared to make fun of him on Wednesday.)
November 3rd, 2008
A friend of mine told me he’s not voting based on who’s running for President.
He’s voting based on who’s running for Vice President.
He’s theory is neither of the guys at the top of the ticket are likely to make it through their first term.
(I fervently hope that’s not the case no matter who wins, best viagra look btw.)
Tags: Barack Obama, John McCain
November 2nd, 2008
…I think they’re making a mistake by not considering all the people who bought Sarah Palin masks:
Barack Obama will be the next president. At least that’s what BuySeasons of New Berlin predicted last week based on the sales of its 99-cent paper presidential masks.
Sales of the masks as of Oct. 31 showed Obama with 55 percent of the sales and John McCain with 45 percent. The company, sildenafil ambulance founded in 1999, buy cialis see has accurately predicted the last two presidential elections based on its mask sales.
In Wisconsin, however, McCain masks are outselling Obama mask by 64 percent to 36 percent.
The company does not release the numbers of masks, but it does track the percentage of sales.
The firm also tracked sales of the primary election candidates for the first time this year, and its customers correctly picked Obama and McCain from their respective party fields.
“We’re four for four so far,” said Jalem Getz, president and CEO of the company. “We’re not biased. We have no interest other than selling Halloween masks.”
Poll generates publicity
Even though the company tracks only the sales of Obama and McCain masks now, it does sell vice presidential masks, too.
“There is a huge demand for Sarah Palin,” Getz said. “Women are the largest segment we sell to. Seventy percent of our customers are women.”
After all, most people I know are voting Republican are basically voting for Sarah, not John.

Tags: Sarah Palin
November 2nd, 2008
A friend of mine who is going to vote for Barack Obama said to me that a President Obama would “govern from the center.”
I don’t know where this “govern from the center” line is coming from.
You even hear it coming from Conservative newspapers and pundits who have endorsed Obama.
I’ve never heard Obama say he’s going to govern from the center.
His voting record in the Senate is far left.
If he wins, discount viagra cialis his party will be in control of the executive AND legislative branches.
What possible reason would he have to “govern from the center”?
I’m telling you right now that if Obama wins he will NOT govern from the center. He’ll claim a mandate to “change” America. That change will take the form of a boatload of leftist policies that most of his supporters will be thrilled by and all of the folks who somehow think the office will transform the man will be shocked by.
Tags: Barack Obama
October 31st, 2008
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Being in a wheelchair gives you a unique perspective on the world. This blog features many of my views on politics, art, science, and entertainment. My name is Elliot Stearns.
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