Posts filed under 'Politics'

A man of honor…

…is someone who can acknowledge that something is wrong even when he personally benefits from it:

I voted for Barack Obama and I’m glad he won. I hope he becomes a great president. Lord knows we need one.

Now the bad news. I’ve been thoroughly disgusted by press bias in his favor.

As someone who is a “communications professional, viagra canada physician ” I have a healthy regard for the difference between what I do in advertising — advocacy — and what the press is supposed to do — report facts.

Press favoritism has reached an outrageous and dangerous point in this country.

It was clear from the day he started running that the press was in Obama’s pocket. Anyone who couldn’t see that is either a fool or didn’t want to see it. I’ve included some links below but for those who just want the topline:

By 8 to 1 Americans think the press wanted Obama to win.
In the last months of the campaign, viagra sales cialis the press carried three times as many negative stories about McCain as about Obama.
I have every reason to believe that Obama is an honorable man. But what if the press decides to adopt someone who isn’t honorable? The fact that they rolled over for my guy gives me no solace at all.

We are living in a nasty, salve troubled world and we need the best press we can get. Instead, we have a bunch of arrogant, snotty, know-it-alls who believe we need their advice on how to think. They are tough on the people they don’t like and fawn on the people they do.

I have no use for the self-righteous, god-botherers of the Republican right. But they’re dead right about one thing — the “media elite” in this country are a fucking disgrace.

I’ve said it before, the way the press behaved in this election was absolutely despicable and did more lasting damage to our democracy than anything George Bush could have done over the last eight years.

4 comments November 6th, 2008

That fact that this stuns people tells me most people really don’t understand modern Conservatives

cialis sales sovaldi 2933, medicine 447385,00.html”>The View’s conservative cutie Elizabeth Hasselbeck stunned viewers today by throwing her support behind president-elect Barack Obama.

Executive Producer Barbara Walters asked Hasselbeck, who campaigned with John McCain’s running mate Sarah Palin, how she felt after seeing McCain/Palin go down to defeat on election night.

Hasselbeck said her daughter Grace, 3, had asked her who won and who lost the election. “No one lost,” Hasselbeck said she told her child. “Seriously, today is a victory for this country.”

Most of the Conservative bloggers in Wisconsin have said something very similar to this.

Accusations to the contrary, most politically conservative folks aren’t haters. Or racists. Or misogynists.

I think most of us are thrilled to have an African-American as President.

It’s historic and healing.

We just hoped the first African American President would be Colin Powell.

I guess you can’t have everything.

22 comments November 5th, 2008


Add comment November 5th, 2008

I now have a two-word answer to some of the Left’s favorite talking points:

“America is a racist nation.”

Barack Obama.

“We need public financing and spending limits on political speech.”

Barack Obama.

“We still need Affirmative Action.”

Barack Obama.

“Republicans steal elections.”

Barack Obama.

7 comments November 5th, 2008

If I were George Bush…

…I’d be checking into whether or not I could give my self a preemptive pardon on the way out.

Not saying he needs one, best viagra cialis but man, I wouldn’t take the risk if I were him.

4 comments November 5th, 2008

Congratulations to my Democrat/liberal friends!

Enjoy the victory.

You deserve it.

And electing the first African-American President is a great day for this country.

But when you’re done with your parties, viagra sale check I want you to remember that your party won with a slim majority of Americans:

Candidates % Votes
McCain (R) 46% 55, advice 386, look 310
Obama (D) 52% 62,443,218
Barr (I) 0% 480,180
Nader (I) 1% 641,044

This is still a divided country. And the 47% who didn’t vote for your man weren’t all racists, or idiots, or evil.

So good luck running the country for a while. And try not to run it into anything we can’t get out of while you have the keys, OK?

2 comments November 5th, 2008

Man, the conservatives and Republicans got their asses kicked…

everywhere, cialis generic buy cialis last night.

Luckily, viagra sales look I switched back to a Liberal Democrat!

(Just kidding! I’m way too contrarian to ever go along with any majority.)

Add comment November 5th, 2008

I, for one, welcome our new Democratic Overlords

Congratulations to Barack Obama for becoming America’s first black President!

Add comment November 4th, 2008

Google votes

I have a feeling they voted Democratic.

2 comments November 4th, 2008

You might not agree with James T. Harris…

…but he does cover five essential reasons to vote for John McCain at

1 comment November 4th, 2008

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