I wonder if I can trademark this for 2012?
4 comments November 11th, 2008
Every time the media uses the word “historic” for the next four years, viagra canada drugstore you have to take a drink.
3 comments November 10th, 2008
…and three young American Obama supporters.
One of the Americans was bragging about how “everyone” on the States voted for Obama except for some old people and he couldn’t wait for them “to hurry up and die off” (almost his exact words).
So far, cialis buy sovaldi typical enough.
But the best part was a very few minutes later when he was complaining about his visit to my friend in Toronto because the taxes were so ridiculously high.
Add comment November 10th, 2008
If you’re so convinced that the nation isn’t “center-right” than have some balls and call yourself what you are: a “liberal.”
4 comments November 10th, 2008
If Sarah Palin manages to win the Republican nomination for President next cycle, sildenafil patient will the press hail her run as “historic” or will they do everything they can to depict it as racist, health anti-feminist, ask anti-intellectual, and mean spirited?
Yeah, that was a rhetorical question.
6 comments November 10th, 2008
Bush Executive Orders Under Review by Obama Transition Team?
What I want him to do is go back through all the bills Bush added “signing statements” to and take an eraser to them.
Those were total B.S.
I’ve read the U.S. Constitution a couple of times and I never saw anything about “signing statements.”
Maybe Bush thought they were in the same clause that mentioned an unlimited right to abortion.
Add comment November 9th, 2008
generic cialis medical 21985, viagra usa sale 24610103-5005961,00.html”>52% of the vote is not a mandate, it’s a slim majority.
I propose that no one (Democrat or Republican) gets to use the word “mandate” when they win an election unless they receive 2/3 of the votes.*
The United States Constitution required 2/3 of the votes in Congress to override a veto, approve an Amendment, or impeach a sitting President.
I think a politician (and his supporters) should have to reach the same bar before claiming carte blanche.
*I actually think I’m being pretty lenient by asking for 2/3 of the votes cast instead of 2/3 of the potential votes in the electorate. But, hey, I’m feeling generous. ;)
9 comments November 7th, 2008
Not just because it would be a horrible tragedy.
But, viagra generic shop also, because we really don’t need any more Democratic “saints” joining the Kennedys.
Add comment November 7th, 2008
Headline in today’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: State turns deep shade of blue
In one history-making election, cialis sale prescription Wisconsin went from the purplest state in the nation to a deep, stuff wide blue.
As I said before the election, Wisconsin was NOT a purple state.
Quit saying it was.
4 comments November 6th, 2008
We can all go back to not watching Saturday Night Live.
2 comments November 6th, 2008